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Section 2000 – Internal Operations

Internal Operations

Board of Education Committees

Board of Education Activities

2110 Orienting and Training Board Members

The Board and its staff will assist each new member-elect to understand the Board’s functions, policies, and procedures before he or she takes office, by:

  • a) Giving the electee selected materials relating to the responsibilities of Board membership supplied by local, state, or national school-board associations or other professional organizations;
  • b) Inviting the electee to attend Board meetings and to participate in its discussions;
  • c) Having the Clerk supply material pertinent to meetings and explaining its use;
  • d) Inviting the electee to meet with the Superintendent and other administrative personnel to discuss services they perform for the Board;
  • e) Having the clerk provide a copy of or access to the Board’s policies and bylaws;
  • f) Providing the opportunity to attend a local, state, or national school-board association’s orientation program.

Board Member Training

Within the first year of election or appointment, each Board member must complete a minimum of six hours of training on the financial oversight, accountability, and fiduciary responsibilities of a school board member and a training course acquainting him or her with the powers, functions, and duties of Boards, as well as the powers and duties of other governing and administrative authorities affecting public education. Re-elected Board members will not be required to repeat this training. The curriculum and provider of this training must be approved by the Commissioner of Education.

Upon completing the required training, the Board member will file with the District Clerk a certificate of completion issued by the provider of the training. Actual and necessary expenses incurred by a Board member in complying with these requirements are a lawful charge to the District.

Education Law § 2102-a

8 NYCRR § 170.12(a)

Adopted: 6/13/22

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2210 Committees of the Board

The Board and/or the President of the Board may, at its discretion, establish committees for the purpose of undertaking a specific task in connection with Board activity. These committees, however, cannot make legal decisions for the entire Board.

At the request of the Board, the President will appoint temporary committees consisting of less than a quorum of the full membership for special purposes. These committees will be discharged on the completion of their assignment. The President of the Board will be an ex-officio member of these committees.

The Board recognizes that it may be necessary to periodically authorize advisory committees for the purpose of enlisting opinions and counsel of the general public. These committees will be appointed by the Board. The Board has the right to accept, reject, or modify all or any part of a committee recommendation.

Audit Committee

The Board has established an audit committee to oversee the annual audit of the District and report on its findings to the Board.

Visitation Committees

The Board will appoint one or more committees to visit every school or department at least once annually and report on their conditions at the next regular meeting of the Board.

Education Law §§ 1708, 2116-c, and 4601

NOTE: Refer also to Policy #5572 – Audit Committee.

Adopted: 6/13/22

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2320 Attendance by Board Members at Conferences, Conventions, and Workshops

The Board believes that continuing in-service training and development are important for its members. The Board, therefore, encourages the participation of all members at appropriate school board conferences, conventions, and workshops which are believed to be of benefit to the District. However, in order to control both the investment of time and funds necessary to implement this policy, the Board establishes the following guidelines:

  • a) The Board Clerk will inform the Board of upcoming conferences, conventions, and workshops. The Board will periodically decide which meetings appear to be most likely to produce direct and indirect benefits to the District. At least annually, the Board will identify those new ideas or procedures and/or cost benefits that can be ascribed to participation at these meetings.
  • b) Funds for participation at conferences, conventions, workshops and the like will be budgeted for on an annual basis. When funds are limited, the Board will designate which members are to participate at a given meeting.
  • c) Reimbursement to Board members for all actual and necessary registration fees, expenses of travel, meals and lodging, and all necessary tuition fees incurred in connection with attendance at conferences and the like will be in accordance with established regulations for expense reimbursement.
  • d) When a conference, convention, or workshop is not attended by the full Board, those who do participate will be requested to share information, recommendations, and materials acquired at the meeting.

The authorization for Board members to attend a conference, convention, or workshop will be by Board resolution adopted prior to attendance. However, the Board, in its discretion, may delegate the power to authorize attendance at conferences to the President of the Board.

Where authorization has been delegated to the President of the Board, no expense or claim form will be paid unless a travel order or similar document signed by the President is attached to the form, authorizing the claimant to attend the conference.

Education Law § 2118

General Municipal Law §§ 77-b and 77-c

NOTE: Refer also to Policies #5323 — Reimbursement for Meals/Refreshments, #6161 — Conference/Travel Expense Reimbursement

Adopted: 6/13/22

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2330 Compensation and Expenses

No member of the Board may receive any compensation for his or her services unless he or she also serves as District Clerk and is paid as Clerk. All members of the Board may be reimbursed for actual expenses incurred in representing the District. All bills or claims for reimbursement must be itemized in reasonable detail.

Conference Travel for Newly Elected Board Members

In accordance with General Municipal Law, the Board, by a majority vote, may authorize a newly elected Board member whose term of office has not yet commenced to attend a conference. This conference travel must be for official District business utilizing a cost-effective and reasonable method of travel.

Authorization must be by resolution adopted prior to attendance and duly entered in the minutes. However, the Board may delegate the power to authorize attendance at a conference to the Board President or Board Vice President.

Education Law § 2118

General Municipal Law §§ 77-b and 77-b(2)

Adopted: 6/13/22

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2340 Board Self-Evaluation

The Board will review the effectiveness of its internal operations at least once annually and formulate a plan for improving its performance. The Superintendent and others who work regularly with the Board may be asked to participate in this review and to suggest ways by which the Board can improve its functioning as a legislative body.

Adopted: 6/13/22

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