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Section 6000 – Personnel


Certified Personnel

Support Staff


Compensation and Related Benefits

6110 Code of Ethics for Board Members and all District Personnel

General Provisions

Officers and employees of the District hold their positions to serve and benefit the public, and not to obtain unwarranted personal or private gain in the exercise of their official powers and duties. The Board recognizes that, in furtherance of this fundamental principle, there is a need for clear and reasonable standards of ethical conduct.

The provisions of this policy are intended to supplement Article 18 of the General Municipal Law and any other law relating to ethical conduct of District officers and employees, and should not be construed to conflict with those authorities.

Standards of Conduct

The following rules and standards of conduct apply to all officers, including Board members, and employees of the District.


No person may directly or indirectly solicit, accept, or receive any gift having a value of $75 or more under circumstances in which it could reasonably be inferred that the gift was intended or expected to influence the individual in the performance of his or her official duties or was intended as a reward for any official action on the part of the individual. This prohibition applies to any gift, including money, services, loan, travel, entertainment, hospitality, thing or promise, or any other form.

Confidential Information

No person may disclose confidential information acquired by him or her in the course of his or her official duties or use this information to further his or her personal interests.

Conflicts of Interest

Except as permitted by law, no person may have an interest in any contract with the District when he or she, individually, or as a member of the Board, has the power or duty to: negotiate, prepare, authorize, or approve the contract or authorize or approve payment under the contract; audit bills or claims under the contract; or appoint an officer or employee who has any of these powers or duties.

Likewise, unless permitted by law, no chief fiscal officer, treasurer, or his or her deputy or employee, may have an interest in a bank or trust company designated as a depository, paying agent, registration agent, or for investment of funds of the District.

No employee, officer, or agent will participate in selecting, awarding, or administering a contract supported by a federal award if he or she has a real or apparent conflict of interest. These conflicts could arise when the employee, officer, or agent, any member of his or her immediate family, his or her partner, or an organization that employs or is about to employ any of these parties has a financial or other interest in or a tangible personal interest benefit from a firm considered for a contract. Employees, officers, and agents will not solicit or accept gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors or parties to subcontracts. The District may, however, set standards for situations where the financial interest is not substantial or the gift is an unsolicited item of nominal value.

“Interest,” as used in this policy, means a direct or indirect pecuniary or material benefit accruing to a District officer or employee as the result of a contract with the District. A District officer or employee will be considered to have an interest in the contract of: his or her spouse, minor children and dependents, except a contract of employment with the District; a firm, partnership or association of which he or she is a member or employee; a corporation of which he or she is an officer, director or employee; and a corporation any stock of which is owned or controlled directly or indirectly by him or her.

The provisions of the preceding four paragraphs should not be construed to preclude the payment of lawful compensation and necessary expenses of any District officer or employee in one or more positions of public employment, not prohibited by law.

Representing Others in Matters Before the District

No person may receive, or enter into any agreement, express or implied, for compensation for services rendered in relation to any matter before the District. Likewise, no one may receive, or enter into any agreement, express or implied, for compensation for services rendered in relation to any matter before the District, where the individual’s compensation is contingent upon any action by the District with respect to the matter.

Disclosure of Interest in Contracts and Resolutions

Any District officer or employee who has, will have, or later acquires an interest in or whose spouse has, will have or later acquires an interest in any actual or proposed contract, purchase agreement, lease agreement, or other agreement, including oral agreements, with the District must publicly disclose the nature and extent of that interest in writing. The disclosure must be made when the officer or employee first acquires knowledge of the actual or prospective interest, and must be filed with the person’s immediate supervisor and the Board. Any written disclosure will be made part of and included in the official minutes of the relevant Board meeting.

Investments in Conflict with Official Duties

No person may invest or hold any investment directly or indirectly in any financial, business, commercial, or other private transaction, that creates a conflict with his or her official duties, or that would otherwise impair his or her independence of judgment in the exercise or performance of his or her official powers or duties.

Private Employment

No person may engage in, solicit, negotiate for, or promise to accept private employment or render services for private interests when that employment or service creates a conflict with or impairs the proper discharge of his or her official duties.

Future Employment

No person may, after the termination of service or employment with the District, appear before the District on behalf of his or her employer in relation to any case, proceeding, or application in which he or she personally participated during the period of his or her service or employment with the District or which was under his or her active consideration while he or she was with the District.

Notice of Code of Ethics and General Municipal Law Sections 800-809

The Superintendent will ensure that a copy of this code of ethics is distributed to every District officer and employee, and that a copy of General Municipal Law Sections 800-809 is posted conspicuously in each District building. The failure to distribute this code of ethics or to post General Municipal Law Sections 800-809 will have no effect on either the duty of District officers and employees to comply with their provisions, or the ability of the District or other relevant authorities to enforce them.


Any person who knowingly or intentionally violates any of the provisions of this policy may be fined, suspended, removed from office or employment, or subject to additional or other penalties as provided by law.

Education Law § 410
General Municipal Law Article 18 and §§ 800-809
2 CFR § 200.318(c)(1)

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6111 Testing Misconduct and Mandatory Reporting Requirements

District employees are expressly prohibited from: engaging in testing misconduct, as that term is described in the Commissioner’s regulations; assisting in the engagement of, or soliciting another to engage in testing misconduct; and/or the knowing failure to report testing misconduct. When committed by an employee of the District in a position for which a teaching or school leader certificate is required, these actions or inactions will be deemed to raise a reasonable question of moral character under Part 83 of the Commissioner’s regulations. A District employee in a position for which a teaching or school leader certificate is not required, who commits an unlawful act in respect to examination and records, will be subject to disciplinary action by the Board in a manner consistent with New York State law and regulation and any applicable collective bargaining agreement.

District employees will report to the State Education Department (SED) any known incident of testing misconduct by a certified educator or any known conduct by a non-certified individual involved in the handling, administration, or scoring of state assessments in violation of New York State law. This report will be made in accordance with directions and procedures established by the Commissioner for the purpose of maintaining the security and confidential integrity of state assessments.

The District will not dismiss or take other disciplinary or adverse action against an employee because he or she submitted a report regarding testing misconduct to the SED. Any adverse action by an individual holding a teaching or school leader certificate will be deemed to raise a reasonable question of moral character under Part 83 of the Commissioner’s regulations and may be referred to the Office of School Personnel Review and Accountability at the SED.

8 NYCRR § 102.4

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6120 Equal Employment Opportunity


The District is committed to creating and maintaining an environment which is free from discrimination and harassment. This policy addresses employment discrimination. It is just one component of the District’s overall commitment to maintaining a discrimination and harassment-free educational and work environment.
Consistent with this commitment and in accordance with law and regulation, the District is an equal opportunity employer that does not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment in its programs and activities on the basis of any legally protected class or category including, but not limited to: age; race; creed; religion; color; national origin; sexual orientation; gender identity or expression; military status; sex; disability; predisposing genetic characteristics; familial status; marital status; status as a victim of domestic violence; and criminal arrest or conviction record.

The District adopts this policy as part of its effort to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints of employment discrimination. The District will promptly respond to reports of employment discrimination, ensure that all investigations are conducted within a reasonably prompt time frame and under a predictable fair grievance process that provides due process protections, and impose disciplinary measures and implement remedies when warranted.

Inquiries about this policy may be directed to the District’s Civil Rights Compliance Officer(s) (CRCO(s)).

Reporting Allegations of Employment Discrimination

Any person may report employment discrimination regardless of whether they are the alleged victim or not. Reports of employment discrimination may be made orally or in writing to the District’s CRCO or any other District employee including, but not limited to, a supervisor or building principal.

All District employees who witness or receive an oral or written report of employment discrimination must immediately inform the CRCO. Failure to immediately inform the CRCO may subject the employee to discipline up to and including termination. If the CRCO is unavailable, including due to a conflict of interest or other disqualifying reason, the report will be directed to another CRCO, if the District has designated another individual to serve in that capacity. If the District has not designated another CRCO, the Superintendent will ensure that another person with the appropriate training and qualifications is appointed to act as the CRCO.

Additionally, District employees must comply with reporting requirements in any other applicable District policy or document. Applicable policies or documents may include: Policy # 3420 – Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment in the District.

Grievance Process for Complaints of Employment Discrimination

The District will act to promptly, thoroughly, and equitably investigate all complaints, whether oral or written, of employment discrimination and will promptly take appropriate action to protect individuals from further discrimination.

Various District policies and documents address employment discrimination. These policies and documents may include: Policy #3420 — Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment in the District. All complaints will be handled in accordance with the applicable District policies and/or documents.

The determination as to which District policies and/or documents are applicable is fact specific, and the CRCO may work with other District staff to determine which District policies and/or documents are applicable to the specific facts of the complaint.

If an investigation reveals that employment discrimination has occurred, the District will take immediate corrective action as warranted. This action will be taken in accordance with applicable law and regulation, as well as any applicable District policy, regulation, procedure, collective bargaining agreement, third-party contract, or other document such as the District’s Code of Conduct.

Prohibition of Retaliatory Behavior (Commonly Known as “Whistle-Blower” Protection)

The District prohibits retaliation against any individual because the individual made a report or complaint, testified, assisted, or participated or refused to participate in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing related to a complaint of employment discrimination.

Complaints of retaliation may be directed to the CRCO. If the CRCO is unavailable, including due to a conflict of interest or other disqualifying reason, the report will be directed to another CRCO, if the District has designated another individual to serve in that capacity. If the District has not designated another CRCO, the Board of Education will ensure that another person with the appropriate training and qualifications is appointed to act as the CRCO.

Where appropriate, follow-up inquiries will be made to ensure that the discrimination has not resumed and that those involved in the investigation have not suffered retaliation.

8 USC § 1324b
29 USC § 206
42 USC § 1981
Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 (ADEA), 29 USC § 621 et seq.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), 42 USC § 12101 et seq.
Genetic Information Non-Discrimination Act (GINA), 42 USC § 2000ff et seq.
National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), 29 USC § 151 et seq.
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 USC § 790 et seq.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 USC § 2000d et seq.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 USC § 2000e et seq.
Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, 20 USC § 1681 et seq.
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), 38 USC § 4301 et seq.
28 CFR Part 35
29 CFR Chapter I – National Labor Relations Board
29 CFR Chapter XIV – Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
34 CFR Parts 100, 104, and 106
45 CFR Part 86
Civil Rights Law §§ 40, 40-a, 40-c, 47-a, 47-b, and 48-a
Civil Service Law §§ 75-b and 115
Correction Law § 752
Labor Law §§ 194-a, 201-d, 201-g, 203-e, 206-c, and 215
New York State Human Rights Law, Executive Law § 290 et seq.
Military Law §§ 242, 243, and 318
9 NYCRR § 466 et seq.

Note: Refer also to Policies:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6121 Sexual Harassment in the Workplace


The District is committed to creating and maintaining an environment which is free from discrimination and harassment. Sexual harassment is one form of workplace discrimination. This policy addresses sexual harassment in the workplace. It is just one component of the District’s overall commitment to maintaining a discrimination and harassment-free educational and work environment.

Sexual harassment is a form of employee misconduct, a violation of District policy, and unlawful. Employees of every level who engage in sexual harassment, including supervisory personnel who engage in sexual harassment, who knowingly allow such behavior to continue, or fail to report suspected sexual harassment will be subject to remedial and/or disciplinary action by the District. Sexual harassment may also subject the District to liability for harm to targets of sexual harassment. Harassers may also be individually subject to liability.

The District adopts this policy as part of its effort to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints of sexual harassment in the workplace. The District will promptly respond to reports of sexual harassment in the workplace, ensure that all investigations are conducted within a reasonably prompt time frame and under a predictable fair grievance process that provides due process protections, and impose disciplinary measures and implement remedies when warranted.

Inquiries about this policy may be directed to the District’s Civil Rights Compliance Officer(s) (CRCO(s)) and/or Title IX Coordinator(s).

Scope and Application

This policy applies to all instances of sexual harassment perpetrated against a “covered person,” regardless of immigration status, by anyone in the workplace, including a co-worker, supervisor, or third-party such as a non-employee, paid or unpaid intern, vendor, building security, visitor, volunteer, parent, or student. For purposes of this policy, a “covered person” includes:

  • Employees;
  • Applicants for employment;
  • Paid or unpaid interns; and
  • Non-employees, which include anyone who is (or is employed by) a contractor, subcontractor, vendor, consultant, or other person providing services pursuant to a contract in the workplace.

Sexual harassment in the workplace can occur between any individuals, regardless of their sex or gender. Unlawful sexual harassment is not limited to the physical workplace itself. Sexual harassment can occur on school property and at school functions which, for purposes of this policy, means a school- sponsored or school-authorized extracurricular event or activity regardless of where the event or activity takes place, including any event or activity that may take place virtually or in another state. It can also occur while employees are traveling for District business. Calls, texts, emails, and social media usage can constitute unlawful workplace harassment, even if they occur away from school property, on personal devices, or during non-work hours. Accordingly, conduct or incidents of sexual harassment that create or foreseeably create a disruption within the District may be subject to this policy in certain circumstances.

Other District policies and documents such as regulations, procedures, collective bargaining agreements, and the District’s Code of Conduct may address misconduct related to sexual harassment and may provide for additional, different, or more specific grievance procedures depending on a number of factors including, but not limited to, who is involved and where the alleged sexual harassment occurred. These documents must be read in conjunction with this policy.

The dismissal of a complaint under one policy or document does not preclude action under another related District policy or document.

What Constitutes Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination and is unlawful under federal, state, and (where applicable) local law. Sexual harassment includes harassment on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, self-identified or perceived sex, gender expression, gender identity, and the status of being transgender.

Under New York State Human Rights Law, sexual harassment is unlawful when it subjects an individual to inferior terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. Harassment need not be severe or pervasive to be unlawful, and can be any harassing conduct that consists of more than petty slights or trivial inconveniences.

Sexual harassment includes unwelcome conduct which is either of a sexual nature, or which is directed at an individual because of that individual’s sex when:

  • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment, even if the reporting individual is not the intended target of the sexual harassment;
  • Such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of employment; or
  • Submission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting an individual’s employment.

A sexually harassing hostile work environment includes, but is not limited to, words, signs, jokes, pranks, intimidation or physical violence which are of a sexual nature, or which are directed at an individual because of that individual’s sex. Sexual harassment also consists of any unwanted verbal or physical advances, sexually explicit derogatory statements or sexually discriminatory remarks made by someone which are offensive or objectionable to the recipient, which cause the recipient discomfort or humiliation, which interfere with the recipient’s job performance.

Sexual harassment also occurs when a person in authority tries to trade job benefits for sexual favors. This can include hiring, promotion, continued employment or any other terms, conditions, or privileges of employment. This is also called “quid pro quo” harassment.

Any covered person who feels harassed should report the conduct so that any violation of this policy can be corrected promptly. Any harassing conduct, even a single incident, can be addressed under this policy.

Examples of Sexual Harassment

The following describes some actions that may constitute unlawful sexual harassment and that are strictly prohibited:

  • Physical acts of a sexual nature, such as:
    • Touching, pinching, patting, kissing, hugging, grabbing, brushing against another person’s body or poking another person’s body; and
    • Rape, sexual battery, molestation or attempts to commit these assaults.
  • Unwanted sexual advances or propositions, such as:
    • Requests for sexual favors accompanied by implied or overt threats concerning the target’s job performance evaluation, a promotion or other job benefits or detriments; and
    • Subtle or obvious pressure for unwelcome sexual activities.
  • Sexually oriented gestures, noises, remarks or jokes, or comments about a person’s sexuality or sexual experience, which create a hostile work environment.
  • Sex stereotyping, which occurs when conduct or personality traits are considered inappropriate simply because they may not conform to other people’s ideas or perceptions about how individuals of a particular sex should act or look.
  • Sexual or discriminatory displays or publications anywhere in the workplace, such as pictures, posters, calendars, graffiti, objects, promotional material, reading materials, or other materials that are sexually demeaning or pornographic. This includes such sexual displays on workplace computers or cell phones and sharing such displays while in the workplace.
  • Hostile actions taken against an individual because of that individual’s sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, and the status of being transgender, such as:
    • Interfering with, destroying or damaging a person’s workstation, tools or equipment, or otherwise interfering with the individual’s ability to perform the job;
    • Sabotaging an individual’s work; and
    • Bullying, yelling, or name-calling.

Prohibition of Retaliatory Behavior (Whistle-Blower Protection)

Unlawful retaliation can be any action that could discourage a covered person from coming forward to make or support a sexual harassment claim. Adverse action need not be job-related or occur in the workplace to constitute unlawful retaliation (e.g., threats of physical violence outside of work hours).

The District prohibits any retaliatory behavior directed against complainants, victims, witnesses, and/or any other individuals who participate in the investigation of a complaint of sexual harassment. Such retaliation is unlawful under federal, state, and (where applicable) local law. The New York State Human Rights Law protects any individual who has engaged in “protected activity.” Protected activity occurs when a person has:

  • Made a complaint of sexual harassment, either internally or with any anti-discrimination agency;
  • Testified or assisted in a proceeding involving sexual harassment under the Human Rights Law or other anti-discrimination law;
  • Opposed sexual harassment by making an oral or informal complaint of harassment to a supervisor, building principal, other administrator, or the CRCO;
  • Reported that another employee has been sexually harassed; or
  • Encouraged a fellow employee to report harassment.

Even if the alleged harassment does not turn out to rise to the level of a violation of law, the individual is protected from retaliation if the person had a good faith belief that the practices were unlawful. However, the retaliation provision is not intended to protect persons making intentionally false charges of harassment.

Reporting Allegations of Sexual Harassment

Preventing sexual harassment is everyone’s responsibility. The District cannot prevent or remedy sexual harassment unless it knows about it. Any covered person who has been subjected to behavior that may constitute sexual harassment is encouraged to report such behavior to a supervisor, building principal, other administrator, or the CRCO. Anyone who witnesses or becomes aware of potential instances of sexual harassment should report such behavior.

Reports of sexual harassment may be made orally or in writing. A form for submission of a written complaint is posted on the District website, and all covered persons are encouraged to use this complaint form. Persons who are reporting sexual harassment on behalf of another person should use the complaint form and note that it is being submitted on another person’s behalf.

District employees must comply with reporting requirements in any other applicable District policy or document.

Any person who believes they have been a target of sexual harassment may also seek assistance in other available forums, as explained in this policy.

Supervisory Responsibilities

All supervisors, building principals, and other administrators who receive a complaint or information about suspected sexual harassment, observe what may be sexually harassing behavior or for any reason suspect that sexual harassment is occurring, are required to report such suspected sexual harassment to the CRCO. If the CRCO is unavailable, including due to a conflict of interest or other disqualifying reason, the report will be directed to another CRCO, if the District has designated another individual to serve in that capacity. If the District has not designated another CRCO, the Superintendent will ensure that another person with the appropriate training and qualifications is appointed to act as the CRCO.

In addition to being subject to discipline if they engaged in sexually harassing conduct themselves, supervisors, building principals, and other administrators will be subject to discipline for failing to report suspected sexual harassment or otherwise knowingly allowing sexual harassment to continue.

Supervisors, building principals, and other administrators will also be subject to discipline for engaging in any retaliation.

Investigating Complaints of Sexual Harassment

All complaints or information about sexual harassment will be investigated, whether that information was reported in oral or written form. Investigations will be conducted in a timely manner, and will be confidential to the extent possible.

An investigation of any complaint, information or knowledge of suspected sexual harassment will be prompt and thorough, commenced immediately and completed as soon as possible. The investigation will be kept confidential to the extent possible. Disclosure may, however, be necessary to complete a thorough investigation of the charges and/or notify law enforcement officials. All persons involved, including complainants, witnesses, and alleged harassers will be accorded due process, as outlined below, and in accordance with any applicable collective bargaining agreements to protect their rights to a fair and impartial investigation.

The District will not tolerate retaliation against anyone who files complaints, supports another’s complaint, or participates in an investigation regarding a violation of this policy.

While the process may vary from case to case, investigations should be done in accordance with the following steps:

  • Upon receipt of a complaint, the CRCO will conduct an immediate review of the allegations, and take any interim actions (e.g., instructing the respondent to refrain from communications with the complainant), as appropriate.

    If the CRCO is unavailable, including due to a conflict of interest or other disqualifying reason, the report will be directed to another CRCO, if the District has designated another individual to serve in that capacity. If the District has not designated another CRCO, the Superintendent will ensure that another person with the appropriate training and qualifications is appointed to act as the CRCO.
  • All complaints of sexual harassment will be investigated regardless of the form in which those complaints are made. For oral complaints, the individual will be encouraged to complete the complaint form, which is available on the District website, in writing. If he or she refuses, a complaint form based on the oral report will be prepared. The complainant will be provided a copy of the completed complaint form.
  • If documents, emails, or phone records are relevant to the investigation, take steps to obtain and preserve them.
  • Request and review all relevant documents, including all electronic communications.
  • Interview all parties involved, including any relevant witnesses. If a student is involved, the District will follow all applicable District policies and procedures regarding questioning students.
  • Create written documentation of the investigation (such as a letter, memo, or email), which contains the following:
    • A list of all documents reviewed, along with a detailed summary of relevant documents;
    • A list of names of those interviewed, along with a detailed summary of their statements;
    • A timeline of events;
    • A summary of prior relevant incidents, reported or unreported; and
    • The basis for the decision and final resolution of the complaint, together with any corrective action(s).
  • Keep the written documentation and associated documents in a secure and confidential location.
  • Promptly notify the individual who reported and the individual(s) about whom the complaint was made of the final determination and implement any corrective actions identified in the written document.
  • Inform the individual who reported of the right to file a complaint or charge externally as outlined in this policy.

Additionally, other District policies and documents address sexual harassment. All complaints will be handled in accordance with the applicable District policies and/or documents.

The determination as to which District policies and/or documents are applicable is fact specific, and the CRCO may work with other District staff such as the District’s Title IX Coordinator(s) to determine which District policies and/or documents are applicable to the specific facts of the complaint.

If an investigation reveals that sexual harassment has occurred, the District will take immediate corrective action as warranted. This action will be taken in accordance with applicable law and regulation, as well as any applicable District policy, regulation, procedure, collective bargaining agreement, third-party contract, or other document such as the District’s Code of Conduct.

Annual Training

The District will provide a sexual harassment prevention training program to all employees on an annual basis. The training will be interactive and will include:

  • An explanation of sexual harassment consistent with guidance issued by the Department of Labor in consultation with the Division of Human Rights;
  • Examples of conduct that would constitute unlawful sexual harassment;
  • Information concerning the federal and state statutory provisions concerning sexual harassment and remedies available to victims of sexual harassment;
  • Information concerning employees’ rights of redress and all available forums for adjudicating complaints; and
  • Information addressing conduct by supervisors and any additional responsibilities for such supervisors.


The District will provide this policy to all employees in writing. The District will post this policy prominently throughout the District to the extent practicable.
At the time of hiring and at every annual sexual harassment prevention training program, the District will provide each employee a notice containing this policy and the information presented at the District’s sexual harassment prevention training program.

This notice will be provided in English and in the language identified by the employee as his or her primary language, provided that the New York State Department of Labor Commissioner has published a template of the model materials in that language.

The notice will be delivered in writing, either in print or digitally. The notice will either link to or include, as an attachment or printed copy, the policy and training materials.

Legal Protections and External Remedies

Sexual harassment is not only prohibited by the District but is also prohibited by state, federal, and, where applicable, local law.

Aside from the District’s internal process, individuals may also choose to pursue legal remedies with the following governmental entities. While a private attorney is not required to file a complaint with a governmental agency, an individual may seek the legal advice of an attorney. Individuals may also call the New York State Division of Human Rights’ (NYSDHR’s) toll free confidential hotline at 1- 800-HARASS-3 (1-800-427-2773) Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, for counsel and assistance regarding complaints of workplace sexual harassment. The hotline connects individuals with attorneys who have experience in responding to issues relating to sexual harassment and can provide pro bono assistance.

In addition to those outlined below, individuals may have other legal protections.

State Human Rights Law (HRL)

The HRL, codified as N.Y. Executive Law, art. 15, Section 290 et seq., applies to all employers in New York State with regard to sexual harassment, and protects covered persons, regardless of immigration status. A complaint alleging violation of the HRL may be filed either with the NYSDHR or in New York State Supreme Court.

Complaints with NYSDHR may be filed any time within one year (three years beginning August 12, 2020) of the harassment. If an individual did not file with NYSDHR, they can sue directly in state court under the HRL, within three years of the alleged sexual harassment. An individual may not file with NYSDHR if they have already filed a HRL complaint in state court.

Complaining internally to the District does not extend the time to file with NYSDHR or in court. The one year or three years is counted from the date of the most recent incident of harassment.

Individuals do not need an attorney to file a complaint with NYSDHR, and there is no cost to file with NYSDHR.

NYSDHR will investigate the complaint and determine whether there is probable cause to believe that sexual harassment has occurred. Probable cause cases are forwarded to a public hearing before an administrative law judge. If sexual harassment is found after a hearing, NYSDHR has the power to award relief, which varies but may include requiring the District to take action to stop the harassment, or redress the damage caused, including paying of monetary damages, attorney’s fees, and civil fines.

NYSDHR’s main office contact information is:

NYS Division of Human Rights
One Fordham Plaza
Fourth Floor
Bronx, New York 10458

Individuals may call (718) 741-8400 or visit: www.dhr.ny.gov.

Contact NYSDHR at (888) 392-3644 or visit dhr.ny.gov/complaint for more information about filing a complaint. The website has a complaint form that can be downloaded, filled out, notarized and mailed to NYSDHR. The website also contains contact information for NYSDHR’s regional offices across New York State.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces federal anti- discrimination laws, including Title VII of the 1964 federal Civil Rights Act (codified as 42 USC Section 2000e et seq.). An individual can file a complaint with the EEOC anytime within 300 days from the harassment. There is no cost to file a complaint with the EEOC. The EEOC will investigate the complaint, and determine whether there is reasonable cause to believe that discrimination has occurred, at which point the EEOC will issue a Right to Sue letter permitting the individual to file a complaint in federal court.

The EEOC does not hold hearings or award relief, but may take other action including pursuing cases in federal court on behalf of complaining parties. Federal courts may award remedies if discrimination is found to have occurred. In general, private employers must have at least 15 employees to come within the jurisdiction of the EEOC.

An individual alleging discrimination at work can file a “Charge of Discrimination.” The EEOC has district, area, and field offices where complaints can be filed. Contact the EEOC by calling 1-800- 669-4000 (TTY: 1-800-669-6820), visiting their website at www.eeoc.gov, or via email.

If an individual filed an administrative complaint with NYSDHR, then NYSDHR will file the complaint with the EEOC to preserve the right to proceed in federal court.

Title IX

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972.

Visit here for more information about on how to file a complaint or contact OCR at 800-421-3481 (TDD 800- 877-8339). The website contains information about filing the complaint online, by mail, or by email.

Local Protections

Many localities enforce laws protecting individuals from sexual harassment and discrimination. An individual should contact the county, city, or town in which they live to find out if such a law exists.

Local Police Department

If the harassment involves unwanted physical touching, coerced physical confinement, or coerced sex acts, the conduct may constitute a crime. Contact the local police department.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 USC § 2000e et seq.
Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972, 20 USC § 1681 et seq.
29 CFR § 1604.11(a)
34 CFR Subtitle B, Chapter I
Civil Service Law § 75-b
New York State Human Rights Law, Executive Law § 290 et seq.
Labor Law §§ 201-g and 740

Note: Refer also to Policies:

Adoption Date: 6/13/22
Revised: 2/12/24

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6122 Employee Grievances

In accordance with Article 15-C of the General Municipal Law, all District employees will have the opportunity to present grievances free from interference, coercion, restraint, discrimination, or reprisal. The District will provide at least two procedural stages and an appellate stage for the settlement of any employee grievance.

General Municipal Law §§ 681-685

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6130 Evaluation of Personnel

All Staff Members

The administration will undertake a continuous program of supervision and evaluation of all personnel, including support staff, in the District. The primary purposes of the evaluations will be to encourage and promote improved performance and to make decisions about the occupancy of positions.

Teachers and Administrators

The District is committed to supporting the development of effective teachers and administrators. To this end, the District will provide procedures for the evaluation of all professional staff. The District will develop an Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) plan/educator evaluation plan in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

The primary purposes of these evaluations are:

  • To encourage and promote improved performance;
  • To guide professional development efforts; and
  • To provide a basis for evaluative judgments by applicable school officials.

Disclosure of APPR/Educator Evaluation Ratings

The Commissioner is required to disclose professional performance review/evaluation data for teachers and building principals on the New York State Education Department website and in any other manner to make this data widely available to the public. The District will provide notice to parents or legal guardians of their right to obtain this information and the methods by which the data can be obtained.

Education Law Sections 3012-c and 3012-d
Public Officers Law Article 6
8 NYCRR Subpart 30-3
8 NYCRR Sections 80-1.1 and 100.2(o)

Adoption Date: 6/30/22
Revised: 12/18/23

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6140 Employee Medical Examinations

Pre-employment Medical Examinations

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, the District will not require applicants for positions to undergo a medical examination prior to an offer of employment. Further, the District will not make inquiries of a job applicant as to whether the applicant is an individual with a disability or as to the nature or severity of a disability. However, the District may make pre-employment inquiries into the ability of an applicant to perform job-related functions.

Examinations During Employment

The Board reserves the right to request a medical examination at any time during employment, at District expense, in order to determine whether an employee can perform the essential functions of the position with or without reasonable accommodation or for other valid employment reasons.
Annual or more frequent examinations of any employee may be required, when, in the judgment of the school physician or nurse practitioner and the Superintendent, the procedure is deemed necessary.

All bus drivers and substitute bus drivers must have yearly physical examinations. Each bus driver initially employed by the District will have a physical examination within the four weeks prior to the beginning of service. In no case will the interval between physical examinations exceed a 13-month period.

The final acceptance or rejection of a medical report with reference to the health of an employee lies within the discretion of the Board. The decision of the physician designated by the Board as the determining physician will take precedence over all other medical advice.

All medical and health related information will be kept in accordance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).

Examinations and Inquiries

The District will conduct voluntary medical examinations, including voluntary medical histories, which are part of an employee health program available to employees at that work site. The District may make inquiries into the ability of an employee to perform job-related functions.

The District, however, will not require a medical examination and will not make inquiries as to whether the employee is an individual with a disability or as to the nature or severity of the disability, unless the examination or inquiry is shown to be job related and consistent with business necessity.

Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA) of 2008, Public Law 110-325)
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Public Law 104-191
45 CFR Parts 160 and 164
Education Law §§ 913 and 3624
8 NYCRR § 156.3(2)
10 NYCRR Part 14
15 NYCRR Part 6

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6150 Alcohol, Tobacco, Drugs, and Other Substances (Staff)

Prohibited Conduct

The Board, recognizing that students are often influenced by teachers and other members of a school’s staff, impresses upon staff the importance of maintaining a high level of professionalism appropriate to their position, which, in turn, will set a positive example for students.

The Board, therefore, prohibits staff from consuming, sharing, selling, using, and/or possessing illegal drugs, counterfeit and designer drugs, drug paraphernalia, or alcohol in the workplace or when the effects of these actions may impair job performance. Additionally, the Board prohibits the misuse and/or unprescribed use of prescription and over-the-counter drugs in the workplace or when the effects of these actions may impair job performance.

In accordance with law, regulation, and District policy, smoking and vaping are prohibited on school grounds; within 100 feet of the entrances, exits, or outdoor areas of any of the District’s schools; and/or at any school-sponsored event or activity that occurs off school grounds.

Disciplinary Measures

Staff will be informed of the range of penalties or consequences, up to and including, termination of employment that may be imposed for engaging in prohibited conduct in accordance with any applicable law, District policy, collective bargaining agreement, and/or other similar document.

Information on Substance Use Related Services

The Superintendent has designated one or more individuals to provide information regarding where and how to find available substance use related services to students, parents, and staff.

The designated individual(s) for the District is/are: Kelly Avallone, RN, school nurse.

Any information provided by a student, parent, or staff member to the designated individual(s) will not be used in any school disciplinary proceeding and will, in addition to any other applicable privilege, be considered confidential in accordance with law.

20 USC §§ 6083(a), 7118, and 7973(a)
41 USC § 8101 et seq.
Civil Service Law § 75
Education Law §§ 409, 2801, 3020-a, and 3038
Public Health Law § 1399-o

Note: Refer also to Policies:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6151 Drug-Free Workplace

In compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, the District affirms its commitment to maintaining a workplace that is free of controlled substances.
“Controlled substance” means a controlled substance in schedules I through V of the Controlled Substances Act. An acknowledgment form will be signed by the Superintendent indicating that the District is in full compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act.

“Workplace” is defined as a school building or other school premises, any school-owned vehicle or any other school-approved vehicle used to transport students to and from school or school activities, off school property during any school-sponsored or school-approved activity, event or function, such as a field trip or athletic event, where students are under the jurisdiction of the District.

The Board directs the administration to develop regulations to comply with this policy, and further supports actions and activities of the administration as required to maintain a drug-free workplace.

21 USC § 812
41 USC § 8101 et seq.
21 CFR §§ 1308.11-1308.15
34 CFR Part 84

Note: Refer also to Policies:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6160 Professional Growth/Staff Development

The Superintendent, in consultation with the appropriate administrative staff and/or teacher committees, will arrange in-service programs and other staff development opportunities which provide for the selection of subjects pertinent to the curriculum in the schools, to build from these subjects those topics or courses for in-service or staff development which will help employees acquire new methods of performing their job responsibilities or help staff improve on those techniques which are already being used in the schools, with the objective of improving professional competencies.

The administration will develop meaningful in-service and/or professional development programs which will:

  • Contribute to the instructional program of the schools;
  • Contribute to improved education for students;
  • Achieve state mandates; and
  • Enhance the professional competencies and/or instructional abilities of staff members.

The Board encourages all employees to improve their competencies beyond that which they may obtain through the regular performance of their assigned duties. Opportunities should be provided for:

  • Planned in-service programs, courses, seminars, and workshops offered both within and outside the District.
  • Visits to other classrooms and schools, as well as attendance at professional meetings, for the purpose of improving instruction and/or educational services.
  • Orientation or re-orientation of staff members to program and/or organizational changes as well as District expectations.

Attendance at professional development programs must be directly related to the duties and responsibilities of the employee. Consequently, employees are encouraged to participate in the planning of staff development programs designed to meet their specific needs.

Staff members are also encouraged to continue their formal education as well as to attend their respective work-related workshops, conferences, and meetings.

Funds for participating at conferences, conventions, and other similar professional development programs will be budgeted for by the Board on an annual basis. Reimbursement to District staff for all actual and necessary registration fees, expenses of travel, meals and lodging, and all necessary tuition fees incurred in connection with attendance at conferences will be in accordance with established regulations for conference attendance and expense reimbursement.

The Superintendent or designee has authority to approve release time and expenses for staff members’ attendance at professional training conferences, study councils, in-service courses, workshops, summer study grants, school visitations, and professional organizations within budgetary constraints.

A conference request form or course approval form must be submitted by the employee and approved by the designated administrator prior to the employee’s attendance at the conference or other professional development program.

Mentoring Programs for First Year Teachers

First year teachers must participate in a mentoring program as a component of the District’s Professional Development Plan. The purpose of the mentoring program is to increase the retention of new teachers and improve their ability to assist students in attaining state learning standards. The mentor’s role is to provide guidance and support to a new teacher. However, additional mentor responsibilities may be negotiated and reflected in a collective bargaining agreement.

Education Law §§ 1604(27), 3004, and 3006
General Municipal Law §§ 77-b and 77-c
8 NYCRR §§ 52.21(b)(3)(xvi), 52.21(b)(3)(xvii), 80-3.4(b)(2), 80-5.13, 80-5.14, and 100.2(dd)

Note: Refer also to Policy:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6161 Conference/Travel Expense Reimbursement

Conference travel will be for official business utilizing a cost-effective and reasonable method of travel.

All conference travel must have a completed Travel Conference Request Form on file which has been approved by the appropriate supervisor. The Superintendent or designee must approve those Travel Conference Requests which have reimbursable employee expenses. Travel Conference Request Forms are only to be used by District employees.

All conference reimbursement requests must be submitted using a Travel Conference Reimbursement Form.

Expenses for overnight-approved travel will be reimbursed when accompanied by original receipts for lodging and other reimbursable expenses. Meal expenses for overnight travel will only be reimbursed based on the Board approved per diem rates which are modeled after the United States General Services Administration per diem rates.

New York State sales tax cannot generally be reimbursed. Sales tax may, however, be reimbursed when it is an actual and necessary expense. A Sales Tax-Exempt Form can be obtained prior to travel for hotel accommodations.

Original receipts are required when submitting for parking and tolls, however “E-ZPass” statements may be substituted with the appropriate charges highlighted.

General Municipal Law § 77-b(2)

Note: Refer also to Policy:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6170 Fingerprinting Clearance of New Hires

Unless otherwise authorized, the District will not employ or utilize a prospective school employee unless the prospective school employee has been granted “full” clearance for employment by the State Education Department (SED). The District will require a prospective school employee who is not in the SED criminal history file database to undergo a fingerprint supported criminal history record background check. “Criminal history record” means a record of all criminal convictions and any pending criminal charges maintained on an individual by the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The District will obtain the applicant’s consent to the criminal history records search. The District will request clearance for employment, view information regarding an applicant’s status, and enter hire or termination dates through SED’s Web-based application known as TEACH.

Safety of Students

The District will make all reasonable attempts to ensure the safety of students who have contact with an employee holding conditional appointment or emergency conditional appointment. This will include the safety of students in the classroom, attending off-campus activities under the supervision of the District, and participating in extracurricular and/or co-curricular activities (including athletic activities).

Other safety considerations will include supervision of the employee holding conditional appointment or emergency conditional appointment as determined appropriate by the applicable building or program administrator.

Correction Law Article 23-A
Education Law §§ 305(30), 305(33), 1604, 1709, 1804, 1950, 2503, 2554, 2590-h, 2854, 3004-b, 3004-c and 3035
Executive Law § 296(16)
Social Services Law Article 5, Title 9-B 8 NYCRR § 80-1.11 and Part 87

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6180 Staff-Student Relations (Fraternization)

The Board requires that all District employees maintain a professional, ethical relationship with District students that is conducive to an effective, safe learning environment, and that staff members act as role models for students at all times, whether on or off school property and both during and outside of school hours. Staff must establish appropriate personal boundaries with students and not engage in any behavior that could reasonably lead to even the appearance of impropriety.
Staff members are prohibited, under any circumstances, to date or engage in any improper fraternization or undue familiarity with students, regardless of the student’s age or express or implied consent to this conduct. Further, employees will not entertain or socialize with students in a manner so as to create the perception that a dating relationship exists. Similarly, any action or comment by a staff member which invites romantic or sexual involvement with a student is considered highly unethical, in violation of District policy, and may result in the notification of law enforcement officials and the filing of criminal charges and/or disciplinary action by the District.

Inappropriate employee behavior includes, but is not limited to, flirting; making suggestive comments; dating; requests for sexual activity; physical displays of affection; giving inappropriate personal gifts; frequent personal communication with a student unrelated to course work or official school matters; providing alcohol or drugs to students; inappropriate touching; and engaging in sexual contact and/or sexual relations. Frequent personal communication with a student unrelated to course work or official school matters means any form in which personal communication may occur including, but not limited to, voice or text-based communication via phone, email, instant messaging, text messaging, or through social networking websites.

Inappropriate fraternization of staff with students, even if the student participated willingly in the activity (regardless of the student’s age), is against District policy and may be in violation of professional standards of conduct and New York State Law. However, inappropriate employee conduct does not need to rise to the level of criminal activity for the conduct to be in violation of District rules and subject to appropriate disciplinary sanctions.

Any student who believes that he or she has been subjected to inappropriate staff behavior as described in this policy, as well as students, school employees, or third parties who have knowledge of or witness any possible occurrence of inappropriate staff-student relations, must report the incident to any staff member or the employee’s supervisor, the student’s principal, or the District’s designated Compliance Officer. In all circumstances, these reports will be forwarded to the designated Compliance Officer for further investigation. Anonymous complaints of inappropriate fraternization of staff members with students will also be investigated by the District. Investigations of allegations of inappropriate staff-student relations will follow the procedures utilized for complaints of harassment within the District. Allegations of inappropriate staff-student behavior will be promptly investigated and will be treated as confidential and private to the extent possible within legal constraints. If there is a finding upon completion of the investigation that inappropriate conduct occurred, District administration will take prompt corrective action.

Any employee having knowledge of or reasonable suspicion that another employee may have engaged in inappropriate conduct with a student that may constitute child abuse in an educational setting must also follow the District’s reporting procedures for these allegations. This information will also be reported by the designated administrator as required by state law to law enforcement officials, the State Education Department (SED), and/or Child Protective Services as may be applicable.
If a student initiates inappropriate behavior toward a staff member, that employee will document the incident and report it to his or her building principal or supervisor immediately, or as soon as is practicable.

Prohibition of Retaliatory Behavior (Commonly Known as “Whistle-Blower” Protection)

The Board prohibits any retaliatory behavior directed against complainants, victims, witnesses, and/or any other individuals who participate in the investigation of allegations of inappropriate staff-student relations. Follow-up inquiries and/or appropriate monitoring will be made to ensure that the alleged conduct has not resumed and that all those involved in the investigation have not suffered retaliation. Any act of retaliation is subject to appropriate disciplinary action by the District.

District Responsibility/Training

The principal of each school and/or program supervisor will be responsible for informing students, staff, and volunteers of the requirements of this policy, including the duty to report and the procedures established for investigation and resolution of complaints. Further, staff training will be provided to facilitate staff identification of possible behavior that may constitute inappropriate staff-student relationships. Students will be provided this training in an age-appropriate manner.
This policy (or a summary) will be disseminated as appropriate to staff, students, and parents.

Disciplinary Sanctions

Any staff member who engages in inappropriate conduct with a student will be subject to appropriate disciplinary measures up to and including termination of employment in accordance with legal guidelines, District policy, and any applicable collective bargaining agreement. A violation of this policy may also subject the employee to criminal and/or civil sanctions as well as disciplinary action by the SED.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, 20 USC § 1681 et seq.
Education Law Article 23-B
Social Services Law §§ 411-428
8 NYCRR Part 83

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6190 Workplace Violence Prevention Policy Statement


The District is committed to the safety and security of its employees. Workplace violence presents a serious threat to the safety of employees, students, parents, and visitors. The goal of this policy is to promote the safety and well-being of all people in the workplace.

Acts of violence against District employees where any work-related duty is performed will be thoroughly investigated and appropriate action will be taken. All employees are responsible for: creating an environment of mutual respect for each other, as well as students, parents, and visitors; following all applicable documents; and for assisting in maintaining a safe and secure work environment.

This workplace violence prevention policy was developed in consultation with all authorized employee representatives and is designed to meet the requirements of New York State Labor Law and highlights some of the elements that are found within the District’s Workplace Violence Prevention Program (WVPP).


For purposes of this policy, the following definitions apply:

  • “Authorized employee representative” means an employee authorized by the employees or the designated representative of an employee organization recognized or certified to represent the employees pursuant to Article 14 of the Civil Service Law, the Public Employees’ Fair Employment Act.
  • “Imminent danger” means any conditions or practices in any place of employment which are such that a danger exists which could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm immediately or before the imminence of the danger can be eliminated through the enforcement procedures.
  • “Retaliatory action” means the discharge, suspension, demotion, penalization, or discrimination against any employee, or other adverse employment action taken against an employee in the terms and conditions of employment.
  • “Serious physical harm” means physical injury which creates a substantial risk of death, or which causes death or serious and protracted disfigurement, protracted impairment of health, or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily organ or a sexual offense as defined in Penal Law.
  • “Serious violation” means the failure to:
    • Develop and implement a workplace violence prevention program;
    • Address situations which could result in serious physical harm.
  • “Supervisor” means any person within the District who has the authority to direct and control the work performance of an employee or who has the authority to take corrective action regarding the violation of a law, rule, or regulation to which an employee submits written notice.
  • “Workplace” means any location away from an employee’s domicile, permanent or temporary, where an employee performs any work-related duty in the course of their employment by the District.

What is Workplace Violence

Workplace violence is any physical assault or act of aggressive behavior occurring where an employee performs any work-related duty in the course of their employment including, but not limited to:

  • An attempt or threat, whether verbal or physical, to inflict physical injury upon an employee;
  • Any intentional display of force which would give an employee reason to fear or expect bodily harm;
  • Intentional and wrongful physical contact with an employee without their consent that entails some injury;
  • Stalking an employee with the intent of causing fear of material harm to the physical safety and health of the employee when the stalking has arisen through and in the course of employment.

Workplace violence may be committed against a District employee by anyone, including, but not limited to:

  • Other employees;
  • Former employees;
  • Students;
  • Parents;
  • Visitors;
  • Individuals who have no connection to the workplace, but enter to commit a robbery or other crime; or
  • An individual who has a personal relationship with an employee.

Prohibited Conduct

The District prohibits workplace violence and will not tolerate violence, threats of violence, or intimidating conduct in the workplace.

Workplace Violence Prevention Advisory Committee

The District will establish a Workplace Violence Prevention Advisory Committee that will meet periodically throughout the year. The purpose of the Workplace Violence Prevention Advisory Committee is to assist the District in coordinating its efforts to comply with its responsibilities related to workplace violence prevention, including overseeing the development and maintenance of the District’s WVPP.

The Workplace Violence Prevention Advisory Committee will include:

  • The Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator;
  • All authorized employee representatives;
  • The Chief Emergency Officer.

It may also include one or more representatives from the following groups:

  • District-wide school safety team;
  • The building level emergency response team(s);
  • District/building administrators;
  • Teachers, including at least one special education teacher; and
  • Other District staff.
Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator

The District has designated the following District employee to serve as its Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator:

Robert Finster, Superintendent
315-543-2707, ext. 7 or ext. 27901

The Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator convenes and coordinates the activities and plans of the Workplace Violence Prevention Advisory Committee. The Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator is also responsible for answering employee questions about this policy and related materials, as well as receiving workplace violence incident reports.

Authorized Employee Representatives

The District must provide for employee participation in the WVPP through an authorized employee representative. Authorized employee representatives will participate on the Workplace Violence Prevention Advisory Committee. Authorized employee representatives have a right to, at a minimum, be involved in:

  • Participating in the development and implementation of this policy.
  • Evaluating the physical workplace environment to determine workplace violence risk factors.
  • Developing the WVPP.
  • Reviewing workplace violence incident reports at least once a year to identify trends in the types of incidents reported, if any.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of safeguards and actions taken to reduce the risk of workplace violence.
  • Reporting violations of the District’s WVPP.

Reporting Workplace Violence

The District has established and implemented a reporting system for incidents of workplace violence.

Any employee or authorized employee representative who becomes aware of a physical assault, threatening behavior, or verbal abuse in the workplace must immediately provide written notice of the facts and circumstances of the violent incident to a supervisor or the Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator. If the report was provided to a supervisor, the supervisor must immediately forward to the report the Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator.

If an employee witnesses or is involved in an incident of violence in which there is an immediate threat to the employee’s safety, or the safety of others, or where a serious injury has occurred, the employee should immediately call 911 to obtain law enforcement and/or medical assistance. The employee should also immediately notify their immediate supervisor.

If an employee believes that either they or another employee are in imminent danger of workplace violence and reasonably believes, in good faith, that reporting to a supervisor or the Workplace Prevention Coordinator would not result in corrective action, then the employee may report the violation directly to the Public Employee Safety and Health Bureau (PESH).

The District will immediately respond to all incidents of violence or threatening behavior upon notification. After the District receives notice, the District will be afforded a reasonable opportunity to correct the activity, policy, or practice.

If there is a developing pattern of workplace violence incidents which may involve criminal conduct or serious injury, the District will attempt to develop a protocol with the District Attorney or law enforcement to ensure that violent crimes committed against employees in the workplace are promptly investigated and appropriately prosecuted. The District will provide information on these protocols and contact information to employees who choose to file a criminal complaint after a workplace violence incident.

In addition to complying with the reporting requirements in this policy, District employees must comply with all other applicable reporting requirements contained in any District policy, regulation, procedure, collective bargaining agreement, or other document such as the District’s Code of Conduct.

Inspections by the Commissioner of Labor

At the Request of an Employee or Authorized Employee Representative

If, after being given notice and a reasonable opportunity to resolve the activity, policy, or practice, the matter has not been resolved and the employee or authorized employee representative still believes that a serious violation of the WVPP remains, or that an imminent danger exists, the employee or authorized employee representative may request an inspection by notifying the Commissioner of Labor of the alleged violation or danger. The notice and request will be in writing, describing with reasonable particularity the grounds for the notice, and be signed by the employee or authorized employee representative. A copy of the written notice will be provided by the Commissioner of Labor to the District or the person in charge no later than the time of inspection, except that on the request of the person giving the notice, the person’s name and the names of individual employees or authorized employee representative will be withheld.

A District representative and an authorized employee representative will be given the opportunity to accompany the Commissioner of Labor during an inspection for the purpose of aiding the inspection. Where there is no authorized employee representative, the Commissioner of Labor will consult with a reasonable number of employees concerning matters of safety in the workplace.

The authority of the Commissioner of Labor to inspect a premises pursuant to an employee complaint will not be limited to the alleged violation contained in the complaint. The Commissioner of Labor may inspect any other area of the premises in which they have reason to believe that a serious violation of the workplace violence prevention law exists.

Initiated by the Commissioner of Labor

The Commissioner of Labor may inspect any premises occupied by the District if they have reason to believe that a violation of the workplace violence prevention law has occurred. The current PESH administrative plan will be used for the enforcement of the workplace violence prevention law, including a general schedule of inspection, which provides a rational administrative basis for the inspection.

Workplace Risk Evaluation and Developing a Workplace Violence Prevention Program (WVPP)

The District will engage in a process of workplace risk evaluation designed to identify the risks of workplace violence to which employees could be exposed.

The District will then develop and implement a written WVPP to prevent, minimize, and respond to any workplace violence. The Workplace Violence Advisory Committee, which includes all authorized employee representatives, will oversee the development and maintenance of the WVPP. During the development process, the authorized employee representative(s) will provide input on those situations in the workplace that pose a threat of workplace violence.

The WVPP will include the following:

  • A list of the risk factors identified in the workplace risk evaluation.
  • The methods the District will use to prevent incidents of workplace violence. Examples include, but are not limited to:
    • Making high-risk areas more visible to more people;
    • Installing good external lighting;
    • Using drop safes or other methods to minimize cash on hand;
    • Posting signs stating that limited cash is on hand;
    • Providing training in conflict resolution and nonviolent self-defense responses; and
    • Establishing and implementing reporting systems for incidents of aggressive behavior.
  • A hierarchy of controls to which the program will adhere as follows: engineering controls, work practice controls, and personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • The methods and means by which the District will address each specific hazard identified in the workplace risk evaluation.
  • A system designed and implemented by the District to report any workplace violence incidents that occur in the workplace. The reports must be in writing and maintained for the annual program review.
  • A written outline or lesson plan for employee program training.
  • A plan for program review and update on at least an annual basis. This review and update will detail any mitigating steps taken in response to any incident of workplace violence.

Prohibition of Retaliatory Behavior (Commonly Known as “Whistle-Blower” Protection)

The District will not take retaliatory action against any employee because the employee exercises any right accorded to them under this policy.


At the time of hire and annually thereafter, all employees will participate in the District’s workplace violence prevention training program. Additionally, retraining is required for all employees any time there is a significant change to the WVPP, a newly identified risk factor, or a control measure addition.


This policy will be posted where notices to employees are typically posted. A copy of the District’s WVPP may be obtained by contacting the District’s Workplace Violence Prevention Coordinator. The District will also make the WVPP available for reference to employees, authorized employee representatives, and the Commissioner of Labor in the work area.

Labor Law Section 27-b
12 NYCRR Section 800.6

Note: Refer also to Policies:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6211 Employment of Relatives of Board Members

The District will not employ any teacher who is related by blood or marriage to any Board member unless two-thirds of the Board members consent at a Board meeting. The vote will be recorded in the Board’s meeting minutes.

Education Law § 3016
General Municipal Law §§ 800-809

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6212 Certification and Qualifications

The following provisions will govern certification and qualifications of District personnel:

  • Each employee whose employment requires certification or other licensure must inform the Superintendent immediately of any change in his or her certification or licensure status. The changes may include the granting, revocation, upgrading, expiration, conversion, and/or extension of documents as to their periods of validity or their titles.
  • Online verification of an employment applicant’s certification status will be used in lieu of printed certificates for current and potential employees. The District will also check the TEACH database to ensure that any permanent or professional certificates for new hires remain valid.
  • It is the responsibility of the employee to ensure that he or she maintains the appropriate certification and/or licensure required for his or her assignment.

Parent Notification

At the beginning of each school year, the District will notify parents that they may request information about the professional qualifications of their student’s classroom teachers. The District will provide in a timely manner upon request the following information to parents:

  • Whether the student’s teacher has met New York State qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction;
  • Whether the student’s teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which the New York State qualification or licensing criteria have been waived;
  • Whether the student’s teacher is teaching in the field of discipline of certification of the teacher; and
  • Whether the student is provided services by any instructional aides or similar paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications.

In addition, the District will provide to parents timely notice that their student has been assigned or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who does not meet applicable New York State certification or licensure requirements at the grade level and subject area in which the teacher has been assigned.

20 USC § 6312
34 CFR § 200.61
8 NYCRR § 80-6.7

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6213 Registration and Professional Development


All employees who are certificate holders must register with the State Education Department (SED) every five years through the TEACH system. An employee is a certificate holder if he or she holds a permanent or professional certificate in the classroom teaching service, a permanent or professional certificate in the educational leadership service (i.e., school building leader, school district leader, or school district business leader), or a Level III Teaching Assistant certificate. Only registered employees may teach or supervise in the District.

Employees who were certificate holders prior to July 1, 2016 had to apply for initial registration during the 2016-2017 school year and each subsequent five-year period thereafter.

Any individual who is issued a new certificate is automatically registered with SED. These certificate holders must renew their registration every five years during their birth month.

Any certificate holder who fails to register by the beginning of the appropriate registration period may be subject to late filing penalties.

Certificate holders must notify SED of any change of name or mailing address within 30 days of such change through the TEACH system. Any certificate holder who willfully fails to inform SED of changes to his or her name and/or address within 180 days of such change may be subject to moral character review.

Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE) Credit Hours

All continuing teacher and leader education certificate holders (CTLE certificate holders) must successfully complete a minimum of 100 hours of acceptable CTLE hours during each five-year registration period to maintain a valid certificate. An employee is a CTLE certificate holder if he or she holds a professional certificate in the classroom teaching service, a professional certificate in educational leadership service, or a Level III Teaching Assistant certificate. This requirement may be completed at any time over the course of a five-year period. Credit hours cannot carry over to subsequent registration periods.

SED sets high standards for courses, programs, and activities that qualify for CTLE credit, and it must approve all CTLE sponsors. Generally, acceptable CTLE will be in the content area of any certificate title held by an individual or in pedagogy. Further, the CTLE will be aligned with professional development standards created by the New York Professional Standards and Practices Board for Teaching.

The District will describe opportunities for teachers and administrators to engage in CTLE in its Professional Development Plan. The District will annually certify, in a form and on a time table prescribed by the Commissioner of Education, that the requirements to have a professional development plan for the succeeding school year have been met and that it has complied with the professional development plan for the current school year. The District will provide CTLE opportunities that are designed to improve the teacher or leader’s pedagogical and/or leadership skills and are targeted at improving student performance, among other things. A peer-review teacher or principal acting as an independent trained evaluator who conducts a classroom observation as part of a teacher evaluation under relevant sections of the Education Law may apply the observation time to fulfilling CTLE requirements. Time spent mentoring may also be counted toward required CTLE credit hours.

Language Acquisition CTLE and Exemption

Employees holding an English to speakers of other languages (all grades) certificate or a bilingual extension are required to complete a minimum of 50 percent of the required CTLE hours in language acquisition aligned with the core content area of instruction taught, including a focus on best practices for co-teaching strategies, and integrating language and content instruction for English Language Learner (ELL) students. All other certificate holders must complete a minimum of 15 percent of the required hours dedicated to language acquisition addressing the needs of ELLs, including a focus on best practices for co-teaching strategies and integrating language and content instruction for ELLs. A minimum of 15 percent of the required CTLE hours for employees holding a Level III Teaching Assistant certificate will be dedicated to language acquisition addressing the needs of ELLs and integrating language and content instruction for ELLs.

Employees holding school district business leader certificates are exempt from the language acquisition CTLE requirements for each year that they are employed in the District. Instead, they must complete a minimum of 15 percent of the required CTLE hours dedicated to the needs of ELLs and federal, state, and local mandates for ELLs.

Employees may be eligible for a waiver of language acquisition CTLE requirements. Each school year when there are fewer than 30 ELL students enrolled in the District or ELLs make up less than 5% of the total student population, the District may obtain an exemption. If the District obtains this exemption, employees would be exempt from the language acquisition CTLE requirement for each year that they are employed in the District.

CTLE Adjustments

The Commissioner may adjust an employee’s number of CTLE hours and/or time to complete them due to poor health, as certified by a health-care provider; extended active duty in the Armed Forces; or other acceptable good cause.

Any employee holding a certificate in the classroom teaching service who obtains certification from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards will be considered CTLE-compliant for the registration period in which he or she obtains this certification. The employee must still meet any language acquisition requirements, however.

Recordkeeping and Reporting Requirements

Employees must maintain a record of completed CTLE hours for at least three years from the end of the applicable registration period. The record must include the title of the program, the total number of hours completed, the number of hours completed in language acquisition addressing the need of ELLs, the sponsor’s name, any identifying number, attendance verification, and the date and location of the program.

The District will maintain a record of any professional development it conducts or provides for at least seven years from the date of completion. The District will submit to SED, in a form and timetable prescribed by SED, information concerning the completion of professional development for regularly employed certificate holders.

Education Law §§ 3006, 3006-a, 3012-d
8 NYCRR Subpart 80-6
8 NYCRR §§ 100.2(dd) and 154-2.3(k)

Note: Refer also to Policy:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6214 Incidental Teaching

The Board will comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding incidental teaching. Any updates to applicable laws and regulations, whether temporary or permanent, will supersede any conflicting language in this policy. As a result, different incidental teaching rules may apply in certain years.
Generally, the Superintendent may assign a teacher to teach a subject not covered by that teacher’s certificate or license for a period not to exceed five classroom hours a week, when no certified or qualified teacher is available after extensive and documented recruitment efforts, and provided that approval of the District Superintendent is obtained.

Not later than 20 business days after this assignment, the Superintendent must submit for approval an application, in a form satisfactory to the District Superintendent, containing the following information:

  • Evidence of extensive recruitment of a teacher certified in the appropriate area;
  • The name and certification status of the teacher given the assignment;
  • The subject which the teacher is being assigned to teach on an incidental basis and the total number of classes in the subject being taught on an incidental basis;
  • The qualifications of the teacher to teach that subject on an incidental basis;
  • The specific reasons why an incidental assignment is necessary;
  • The anticipated duration of the incidental teaching assignment; and
  • The number of applications, approved or pending, for authorization to make incidental teaching assignments in the same certification area for which the current authorization is being sought.

To be approved, the application must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the District Superintendent that an incidental teaching assignment is necessary, that the teacher assigned is the best qualified to teach the subject on an incidental basis, and that the requirements of Commissioner’s regulations have been met.

The District Superintendent will issue a determination within 20 business days of receipt of the District’s application.

If the application is disapproved, the Superintendent, within seven business days of receipt of the notice of disapproval, will terminate the incidental teaching assignment. If the application is approved, this approval will be deemed to have commenced on the date of the incidental teaching assignment and will terminate on the last day of the school year for which it is granted.

The Superintendent may renew an incidental teaching assignment, in accordance with the requirements of Commissioner’s regulations, for any subsequent school year.

To obtain a renewal, the Superintendent, as soon as possible after learning that the continued assignment of an incidental teacher is necessary, must submit an application which, in addition to including the information noted above for the initial approval of an incidental teaching assignment, must provide assurances by the

Superintendent that:

  • The teacher who previously taught the course on an incidental basis has been offered the opportunity to continue to teach the course or has not been offered an opportunity because the Superintendent has evidence that the course was not taught in an acceptable manner;
  • The teacher assigned a course on an incidental basis has completed, or has agreed to complete, within the prescribed time period, at least three semester hours of credit or a satisfactory equivalent leading to certification in the subject area of the incidental assignment; and
  • The teacher assigned to teach the course will be reimbursed by the District for the tuition cost of any portion of the three semester hours of credit or the equivalent required that is taken by the teacher at the request of the District, and satisfactory evidence that the teacher has been reimbursed in the event the teacher who is assigned has previously taught the course on an incidental basis, under a previous renewed approval.

8 NYCRR Section 80-5.3

Adoption Date: 6/13/22
Revised: 5/13/24

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6215 Probation and Tenure

The Board will comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding probation and tenure. Any updates to applicable laws and regulations, whether temporary or permanent, will supersede any conflicting language in this policy. As a result, different probationary and tenure rules may apply for teachers or building principals in certain circumstances.


*For Common, Central, and Union Free School Districts:

Generally, teachers, all other members of the teaching staff, principals, administrators, supervisors, and all other members of the supervising staff will be appointed by the Board upon the recommendation of the Superintendent for a probationary period of four years.

*For Small City School Districts:

Generally, teachers, all other members of the teaching staff, administrators, directors, supervisors, principals, and all other members of the supervising staff (except associate, assistant, and other superintendents) will be appointed by the Board upon the recommendation of the Superintendent for a probationary period of four years.


Generally, administrative assistants, supervisors, teachers, and all other members of the teaching and supervising staff of the BOCES will be appointed by the Board upon the recommendation of the District Superintendent for a probationary period not to exceed four years.

The probationary period will not exceed three years for teachers previously appointed to tenure in any district or BOCES within the state, provided that the teacher was not dismissed from that district or BOCES as a result of charges brought pursuant to Education Law Section 3020-a or 3020-b and met the required annual professional performance review (APPR) rating in their final year of service there.

Additionally, up to two years of service as a regular substitute teacher may be applied toward probationary service. (This is sometimes referred to as Jarema Credit.)
The probationary period will not exceed three years for principals, administrators, supervisors, or other members of the supervising staff appointed on or after June 1, 2020 who were previously appointed to tenure as an administrator within an authorized administrative tenure area in any district or BOCES within the state provided that the individual was not dismissed from that district or BOCES as a result of charges brought pursuant to Education Law Section 3020-a or 3020-b.

During the probationary period, a staff member will be given assistance in adjusting to the new position, but the essential qualifications for acceptable performance will be assumed because the staff member attained the required certification or license.

A staff member’s appointment may be discontinued at any time during their probationary period upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and by majority vote of the Board.

Any staff member not recommended for tenure appointment will be notified in writing by the Superintendent no later than 60 days before their probationary period expires.


At the expiration of the probationary period or within six months prior, the Superintendent will make a written report to the Board recommending for appointment to tenure those who have been found competent, efficient, and satisfactory and, in the case of teachers and building principals, those who have received APPR ratings of effective or highly effective in at least three of the preceding four years, exclusive of any breaks in service.

If a teacher or building principal receives an APPR rating of ineffective in their final probationary year after receiving APPR ratings of effective or highly effective in the preceding probationary years, they will not be eligible for tenure. However, the Board may extend that teacher’s or building principal’s probationary time by an additional year. The teacher or building principal may be eligible for immediate tenure if they successfully appeal the ineffective rating.

The Board may then—by a majority vote—appoint to tenure any or all of the persons recommended by the Superintendent.

A teacher or building principal will remain on probationary status until the end of the school year in which they have received APPR ratings of effective or highly effective for at least three of the four preceding school years, exclusive of any breaks in service. During this time, the Board may grant tenure contingent upon a teacher’s or building principal’s receipt of a minimum APPR rating in the final year of their probationary period. If the contingency is not met after all appeals are exhausted, the grant of tenure will be void and unenforceable and the teacher’s or building principal’s probationary period may be extended for an additional year in accordance with law.

Resolutions Making Appointments

Each Board resolution making a probationary appointment or an appointment on tenure will specify:

  • The name of the appointee;
  • The tenure area or areas in which the professional will devote a substantial portion of their time;
  • The date probationary service or service on tenure commences in each area;
  • The expiration date of the appointment, if made on a probationary basis. For appointments of classroom teachers and building principals, the resolution must state that:
    • To receive tenure, the individual must receive composite or overall APPR ratings of effective or highly effective in at least three of the four preceding years; and
    • If the teacher or building principal receives an ineffective composite or overall APPR rating in their final year of probation, they will not be eligible for tenure at that time; and
  • The certification status of the appointee in reference to the position to which the individual is appointed.

Education Law §§ 2509, 2573, 3012, 3012-d, 3014, and 3031
8 NYCRR § 30-1.3

Note: Refer also to Policy:

Adoption Date: 6/13/22
Revised: 2/12/24

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6216 Disciplining a Tenured Teacher or Certified Personnel

The District may discipline tenured teachers and certain certified personnel in accordance with applicable law, regulations, or applicable contract provisions.

Ineffective Personnel

The District or Board may bring incompetence charges against a teacher or building principal who receives two or more consecutive ineffective ratings under the APPR; the District or Board must bring incompetence charges against anyone who receives three consecutive ineffective APPR ratings. A single hearing officer from the American Arbitration Association’s labor arbitration panel will govern the competency hearing. The hearing may be public or private, at the employee’s discretion. The employee will have a reasonable opportunity to defend himself or herself, but will not be required to testify. Each party has the right to be represented by counsel, to subpoena witnesses, to cross-examine witnesses, and to make motions or applications. There will be a full and fair disclosure of witnesses and evidence to be offered by both the District and the employee. A record of the proceeding will be kept.

Allegations of Abuse

The Board may suspend, without pay, an employee charged with physically or sexually abusing a student pending an expedited probable-cause hearing. A single hearing officer will conduct the probable-cause hearing.

Child Witnesses

A child under 14 may be allowed to testify through live, two-way, closed-circuit television if the hearing officer determines by clear and convincing evidence that the child would suffer serious mental or emotional harm that would substantially impair his or her ability to communicate if required to testify live, and that using closed-circuit television would diminish the likelihood or extent of the child suffering serious mental or emotional harm. In making this decision, the hearing officer will consider applicable factors, including: whether the offense was particularly heinous, the child’s age and vulnerability, the child’s susceptibility to psychological harm due to an underlying physical or mental condition, whether the accused occupied a position of authority over the child, if the offense charged was part of an ongoing course of conduct committed by the accused against the child over an extended period of time, use of a dangerous or deadly weapon, whether the child suffered serious physical injury, threats made against the child, the accused’s access to the child, and expert testimony that the child would be particularly susceptible to psychological harm if required to testify in open court or to be in the physical presence of the accused.

Automatic Revocation of Teacher and Administrative Certificates by the Commissioner of Education

The Commissioner will revoke and annul the certificate of a teacher, teaching assistant, pupil personnel services professional, school administrator or supervisor, or superintendent convicted of:

  • A sex offense for which registration as a sex offender is required under the Sex Offender Registration Act; or
  • Any other violent felony offense committed against a child when the child was the intended victim of the offense.

These offenses include, but are not limited to, sexual misconduct, sexual abuse, rape, statutory rape, assault, various other criminal sexual acts, and certain kidnapping offenses.

In addition, the Commissioner will revoke and annul the certificate of a school district administrator, school administrator or supervisor, or school business administrator convicted of fraud.

Criminal Procedure Law §§ 65.00, 65.20, 65.30, and 380.95
Education Law §§ 305(7-a), 305(7-b), 2573(8), 2590-j(7), 3012, 3020-a, and 3020-b
Penal Law § 195.20
8 NYCRR Subpart 82-3 Correction Law Article 6-C

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6217 Professional Staff: Separation

A probationary professional staff member may be discontinued at any time during his or her probationary period on the recommendation of the Superintendent and by a majority vote of the Board.

If the Superintendent will be submitting to the Board a negative recommendation for tenure or a recommendation to discontinue the services of a probationary professional staff member, the Superintendent must give the probationary employee written notice 30 days prior to the Board meeting at which the recommendation will be considered. If a majority of the Board accepts the recommendation and votes to dismiss, the professional staff member must then be given a written notice at least 30 days prior to the effective date of termination of services. The District will adhere to all other statutory timeframes.

The Board expects any professional staff member desiring to terminate his or her services to provide the Board with a minimum of 30 days’ notice before the effective termination date. When possible, a professional staff member will make every effort to terminate employment at the end of the school year. Resignations must be in writing and include the effective date.

Education Law §§ 2509, 3012, 3019-a and 3031

Note: Refer also to Policy:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6220 Temporary Personnel

The District’s needs sometimes require temporary appointments. The terms of these appointments will be defined by the Board on a case-by-case basis.

Student Teachers

The District will cooperate with teacher training institutions in the placement of student teachers to provide beginning teachers with the best possible student teaching experience.

Schools are required to allow student teachers to videotape themselves providing instruction in a classroom to meet part of their performance assessment requirements for teaching certification. The video must remain confidential, is a confidential record of the New York State Education Department (SED), and is not subject to viewing or disclosure to an individual or entity other than the student teacher applicant and relevant SED personnel.

Substitute Teachers

The Superintendent will employ appropriately qualified substitute teachers. A substitute teacher is employed in the place of a regularly appointed teacher who is absent, but is expected to return.

The Board will annually establish the rate for per diem substitute teachers.

New York State recognizes the following three categories of substitute teachers:

  • Substitutes with valid NYS teaching certificates or certificates of qualification. A substitute teacher in this category may be employed in any capacity, for any number of days, in any number of school districts. However, if employed for more than 40 days by a school district in any given school year, the substitute teacher must be employed in the area for which they are certified.
  • Substitutes without a valid NYS certificate, but who are completing collegiate study toward NYS certification at the rate of not less than six semester hours per year. A substitute teacher in this category may be employed in any capacity, for any number of days, in any number of school districts. However, if employed for more than 40 days by a school district in any given school year, the substitute teacher must be employed in the area for which they are seeking certification.
  • Substitutes without a NYS valid certificate and who are not working towards NYS certification. A substitute teacher in this category may be employed in any capacity, but is limited to 40 days in one school district in any school year.

Education Law § 3023
8 NYCRR §§ 80-1.5 and 80-5.4

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6310 Appointment – Support Staff

The probationary period for all new civil service employees will be for the maximum period established by the local Civil Service Commission.

The time, place, conditions of employment, and transfer of support staff will be vested in the Superintendent who will conduct these actions in compliance with all applicable contract provisions. The duties for each Civil Service employee will be clearly defined.

Civil Service Law § 63

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6320 Supplementary School Personnel

Teacher Aides

In accordance with the Commissioner’s regulations, the Board may employ teacher aides to assist in the daily operation of the school through non-teaching duties.
The duties and responsibilities to be assumed by teacher aides will be outlined by the Superintendent in accordance with Civil Service guidelines. Teacher aides will be responsible to the building principal or designee.

A teacher aide may be assigned to assist teachers in non-teaching duties such as:

  • Managing records, materials, and equipment;
  • Attending to the physical needs of children; and
  • Supervising students and performing such other services as support teaching duties when those services are determined and supervised by a teacher.

Teaching Assistants

In accordance with the Commissioner’s regulations, the Board may employ teaching assistants to provide, under the general supervision of a licensed or certified teacher, direct instructional service to students.

Teaching assistants assist teachers by performing duties such as:

  • Working with individual students or groups of students on special instructional projects;
  • Providing the teacher with information about students that will assist the teacher in the development of appropriate learning aspects;
  • Assisting students in the use of available instructional resources and assisting in the development of instructional materials;
  • Utilizing their own special skills and abilities by assisting in instructional programs in areas such as foreign language, arts, crafts, music, and similar subjects; and
  • Assisting in related instructional work as required.

Teaching assistants who hold a pre-professional teaching assistant certificate will have the same scope of duties as described above for other teaching assistants. Within that scope of duties, teaching assistants holding a pre-professional teaching assistant certificate may, at the discretion of the District, and while under the general supervision of a teacher, perform duties such as:

  • Working with small groups of students so that the teacher can work with a large group or individual students;
  • Helping a teacher to construct a lesson plan;
  • Presenting segments of lesson plans, as directed by the teacher;
  • Communicating with parents of students at a school site or as otherwise directed by a teacher; and
  • Helping a teacher to train other teaching assistants.

Licensure and certification requirements will be as mandated by Commissioner’s regulations.

8 NYCRR § 80-5.6, 80-5.9

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6410 Staff Acceptable Use Policy

The Board will provide staff with access to various computerized information resources through the District’s computer system (DCS) consisting of software, hardware, computer networks, wireless networks/access, and electronic communication systems. This may include access to electronic mail, on-line services, and the Internet. It may also include the opportunity for staff to have independent access to the DCS from their home or other remote locations, and/or to access the DCS from their personal devices. All use of the DCS and the wireless network, including independent use off school premises and use on personal devices, will be subject to this policy and any accompanying regulations.

The Board encourages staff to make use of the DCS to explore educational topics, conduct research, and contact others in the educational world. The Board anticipates that staff access to various computerized information resources will both expedite and enhance the performance of tasks associated with their positions and assignments. To that end, the Board directs the Superintendent or designee(s) to provide staff with training in the proper and effective use of the DCS.

Staff use of the DCS is conditioned upon written agreement by the staff member that use of the DCS will conform to the requirements of this policy and any regulations adopted to ensure acceptable use of the DCS. These agreements will be kept on file in the District Office.

Generally, the same standards of acceptable staff conduct which apply to any aspect of job performance will apply to use of the DCS. Employees are expected to communicate in a professional manner consistent with applicable District policies and regulations governing the behavior of school staff. Electronic mail and telecommunications will not be utilized to share confidential information about students or other employees.

Access to confidential data is a privilege afforded to District employees in the performance of their duties. Safeguarding this data is a District responsibility that the Board takes very seriously. Consequently, District employment does not automatically guarantee the initial or ongoing ability to use mobile or personal devices to access the DCS and the information it may contain.

This policy does not attempt to articulate all required and/or acceptable uses of the DCS; nor is it the intention of this policy to define all inappropriate usage. Administrative regulations will further define general guidelines of appropriate staff conduct and use as well as proscribed behavior.

District staff will also adhere to the laws, policies, and rules governing computers including, but not limited to, copyright laws, rights of software publishers, license agreements, and rights of privacy protected by federal and state law.

Staff members who engage in unacceptable use may lose access to the DCS and may be subject to further discipline under the law and in accordance with applicable collective bargaining agreements. Legal action may be initiated against a staff member who willfully, maliciously, or unlawfully damages or destroys property of the District.

Social Media Use by Employees

The District recognizes the value of teacher and professional staff inquiry, investigation and communication using new technology tools to enhance student learning experiences. The District also realizes its obligations to teach and ensure responsible and safe use of these new technologies. Social media, including social networking sites (SNS), have great potential to connect people around the globe and enhance communication. Therefore, the Board encourages the use of District-approved social media tools and the exploration of new and emerging technologies to supplement the range of communication and educational services.

Public social media networks or SNS are defined to include: websites, Web logs (blogs), wikis, social networks, online forums, virtual worlds, video sites, and any ther social media generally available to the District community which do not fall within the District’s electronic technology network (e.g., Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, Vine, Instagram, Snap Chat, etc.). The definition of District approved password-protected social media tools are those that fall within the District’s electronic technology network or which the District has approved for educational use. Within these internal forums, the District has greater authority and ability to protect minors from inappropriate content and can limit public access.

The use of social media (whether public or internal) can generally be defined as Official District Use, Professional/Instructional Use and Personal Use. Personal use of social media or SNS by employees during District time or on District-owned equipment is discouraged. In addition, employees are encouraged to maintain the highest levels of professionalism when communicating, whether using District devices or their own personal devices, in their professional capacity as educators. They have a responsibility to address inappropriate behavior or activity on these networks, including requirements for mandated reporting and compliance with all applicable District policies and regulations.

Confidentiality, Private Information and Privacy Rights

Confidential or private data, including, but not limited to, protected student records, employee personal identifying information, and District assessment data, will only be loaded, stored, or transferred to District-owned devices which have encryption and/or password protection. This restriction, designed to ensure data security, encompasses all computers and devices within the DCS, any mobile devices, including flash or key drives, and any devices that access the DCS from remote locations. Staff will not use email to transmit confidential files in order to work at home or another location. Similarly, staff are prohibited from using cloud-based storage services (such as Dropbox, Google Drive, SkyDrive, etc.) for confidential files.

In addition, staff will not leave any devices unattended with confidential information visible. All devices must be locked down while the staff member steps away from the device, and settings enabled to freeze and lock after a set period of inactivity.

Staff data files and electronic storage areas will remain District property, subject to District control and inspection. The Technology Coordinator may access all staff data files and communications without prior notice to ensure system integrity and that users are complying with requirements of this policy and any accompanying regulations. Staff should not expect that information stored on the DCS will be private.

Note: Refer also to Policies:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6411 Use of Email in the District


Email is a valuable tool that allows for quick and efficient communication. However, careless, unacceptable, or illegal use of email may place the District and members of its community at risk. Use of email in the District must be consistent with the District’s educational goals and comply with federal and state laws and regulations, as well as all applicable District policies, regulations, procedures, collective bargaining agreements, and other related documents such as the District’s Code of Conduct. This includes, but is not limited to, this policy and the District’s policies on non-discrimination and anti-harassment, protecting the personal information of District employees and students, acceptable use, and record management.

District-related emails are most secure and best managed when District email services are used. Accordingly, the District’s email services should be used for all District-related emails, including emails in which students or student issues are involved. Personal email accounts should not be used to conduct District-related business. Further, District email accounts should not be used as any individual’s primary personal email address.

Scope and Application of Policy

This policy applies to all District employees and any individual assigned a District email address to conduct District-related business (authorized user).

Sending Emails with Personal, Private, and Sensitive Information

Personal, private, and sensitive information (PPSI) is any information to which unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, destruction, use, or disruption of access or use could have or cause a severe impact on critical District functions, employees, students, third parties, or other individuals or entities. For purposes of this policy, PPSI includes, but is not limited to:

  • District assessment data;
  • Protected student records;
  • Information subject to laws protecting personal information such as Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA);
  • Social security numbers;
  • Driver’s license or non-driver identification card numbers;
  • Credit or debit card numbers;
  • Account numbers;
  • Passwords; and
  • Access codes.

The failure to follow proper security protocols when emailing PPSI increases the risk that unauthorized individuals could access and misuse PPSI.

District employees and authorized users may not send or forward emails that include:

  • PPSI without building principal or supervisor authorization. Additional precautions, such as encrypting the email in a District-approved method, should be taken when sending any emails containing PPSI.
  • Lists or information about District employees without building principal or supervisor authorization.
  • Attachments with file names that may disclose PPSI. Files containing PPSI should be password protected and encrypted. File protection passwords should not be transmitted via email. District employees and authorized users will not use cloud-based storage services (such as Dropbox or OneDrive) to transmit files with PPSI without previous District approval or consulting with a building principal or supervisor.
  • Comments or statements about the District that may negatively impact it.

Any questions regarding the District’s protocols for sending emails with PPSI or what information may or may not be emailed should be directed to a supervisor.

Receiving Suspicious Emails

Social engineering attacks are prevalent in email. In a social engineering attack, an attacker uses human interaction (social skills) to obtain confidential or sensitive information.

Phishing attacks are a form of social engineering. Phishing attacks use fake email messages pretending to represent a legitimate person or entity to request information such as names, passwords, and account numbers. They may also deceive an individual into opening a malicious webpage or downloading a file attachment that leads to malware being installed.

Malware is malicious software that is designed to harm computer systems. Malware may be inadvertently installed after an individual opens an email attachment, downloads content from the Internet, or visits an infected website.

Before responding to any emails, clicking on any hyperlinks, or opening any attachments, District employees and authorized users should review emails for indicators of suspicious activity. These indicators include, but are not limited to:

  • Attachments that were not expected or make no sense in relation to the email message;
  • When the recipient hovers the mouse over a hyperlink that is displayed in the email, the link to the address is for a different website;
  • Hyperlinks with misspellings of known websites;
  • The sender is not someone with whom the recipient ordinarily communicates;
  • The sender’s email address is from a suspicious domain;
  • Emails that are unexpected, unusual, or have bad grammar or spelling errors; and
  • Emails asking the recipient to click on a link or open an attachment to avoid a negative consequence or to gain something of value.

District employees and authorized users should forward suspicious emails to the District’s information technology (IT) staff.

No Expectation of Privacy

District employees and authorized users should have no expectation of privacy for any email messages they create, receive, or maintain on their District email account. The District has the right to monitor, review, and audit each District employee’s and authorized user’s District email account.

Accessing District Email Services on Personal Devices

In the event a District employee or authorized user loses a personal device that has been used to access the District’s email service, that District employee or authorized user should notify the Districts’ IT staff so that measures can be taken to secure the email account.

Personal Use

The District’s email services are intended for District-related business only. Incidental or limited personal use of the District’s email services is allowed so long as the use does not interfere with job performance. However, District employees and authorized users should have no expectation of privacy in this email use.

The District’s email services should not be used to conduct job searches, post personal information to bulletin boards, blogs, chat groups, and list services, etc. without authorization from a building principal or supervisor.

It is prohibited to use the District’s email services for:

  • Illegal purposes;
  • Transmitting threatening, obscene, discriminatory, or harassing materials or messages;
  • Personal gain or profit;
  • Promoting religious or political causes; and/or
  • Sending spam, chain letters, or any other type of unauthorized widespread distribution of unsolicited mail.

Personal email accounts or services (Yahoo, Gmail, etc.) should not be accessed via the District Computer System (DCS) without authorization from a building principal or supervisor.

Confidentiality Notice

A standard confidentiality notice will automatically be added to each email as determined by the District.


District employees and authorized users will receive ongoing training related to the use of email in the District. This training may cover topics such as:

  • What is expected of users, including the appropriate use of email with students, parents, and other individuals to avoid issues regarding harassment and/or charges of fraternization;
  • How to identify suspicious emails, as well as what to do after receipt of a suspicious email;
  • Emailing PPSI;
  • How to reduce risk to the District;
  • Cost of policy non-compliance;
  • Permanence of email, including how email is never truly deleted, as the data can reside in many different places and in many different forms; and
  • How users should have no expectation of privacy when using the DCS or any District email service.


The District will provide annual notification of this policy and any corresponding regulations to all District employees and authorized users. The District will then require that all employees and authorized users acknowledge that they have read, understood, and will comply with the policy and regulations.

Records Management and Retention

The same laws and business records requirements apply to email as to other forms of written communication.

Email will be maintained and archived in accordance with Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records (LGS-1) and as outlined in any records management policies, regulations, and/or procedures.

Additionally, emails may be subject to disclosure under the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), a court action, an audit, or as otherwise required or permitted by law or regulation.

Disciplinary Measures

Failure to comply with this policy and any corresponding regulations or procedures may subject a District employee and authorized user to discipline such as loss of email use, loss of access to the DCS, and/or other disciplinary action up to and including termination. When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be contacted.
The District’s IT staff may report inappropriate use of email by a District employee or authorized user to the District employee or authorized user’s building principal or supervisor who may take appropriate action which may include disciplinary measures.

Note: Refer also to Policies:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6420 Employee Personnel Records and Release of Information

Personnel Records

The District will maintain a personnel file for each individual employed by the District. Employees may review or inspect their personnel files in accordance with District procedure or practice.

Release of Personnel Information

The District will take all reasonable steps to protect the privacy of District employees, except as permitted or required by law:

  • In accordance with a subpoena or court order, or other applicable law.
  • When members of the Board need information from the employee’s personnel record to aid them in performing their legal responsibilities in matters such as appointments, assignments, promotions, demotions, remuneration, discipline, dismissal, or to aid in the development and implementation of personnel policies.
  • When the employee grants permission.

Release of Information Concerning Former Employees

The District will not release information concerning the employment records, personnel file, or past performance of a former employee, unless that information is required to be disclosed by law. Only the initial and final dates of employment and the position held will be provided through a written response to a written request. The former employee may authorize the release of any additional information.

Public Officers Law § 87
8 NYCRR Part 84

Note: Refer also to Policy:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6430 Employee Political Activities

The Board recognizes the right of its employees, as citizens, to engage in political activities and to exercise their constitutionally protected rights to address matters of public concern.

However, a District employee’s constitutional rights to raise matters of public concern are limited when the speech or action occurs on school grounds or during school times. Under these circumstances, the Board can impose reasonable restrictions on the time, place, and manner of the speech or action, and can further regulate the content of the speech when it materially imperils the efficient operation of the school.

Teachers may not use their classrooms or school surroundings as a means to promote their personal political views and beliefs. However, teachers are encouraged to address issues of current events for their instructional and informational value to students, to invite public and/or political figures to visit the classroom as a community resource, upon prior approval of the building principal, and to motivate students to participate in the political process.

Note: Refer also to Policies:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6450 Theft of Services or Property

The theft of services or property from the District by an employee will result in immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination, as well as the filing of criminal or civil charges by the District.

Penal Law § 165.15

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6540 Defense and Indemnification of Board Members and Employees

Liability Protection in Accordance with Education Law

The Board recognizes its statutory obligation to indemnify District employees (and in certain circumstances, Board members and volunteers) in accordance with the provisions of Education Law. For the purposes of this policy, the term “employee” will be as defined in the applicable statute(s).

The District will not be subject to the duty to defend unless the employee, within the time prescribed by statute, delivers appropriate notice of the claim to the Board.

For purposes of Education Law, the employee must give written notice to the Board within five days after service of process upon him or her and must deliver the original or a copy of the relevant legal documents to the Board within ten days after service of process upon him or her.

The District will provide legal defense and/or indemnification for all damages, costs, and reasonable expenses incurred in the defense of an action or proceeding if authorized by statute and provided that the alleged action or omission which occurred or allegedly occurred is covered by the appropriate statute(s). Furthermore, the District will not be required to provide indemnification protection and/or legal defense unless the employee was, at the time of the alleged incident, acting in the discharge of his or her duties within the scope of his or her employment or authorized volunteer duties and/or under the direction of the Board.

Public Officers Law Section 18

The Board hereby also confers the benefits of New York State Public Officers Law Section 18 upon the “employees” of the District, as defined in Public Officers Law Section 18; the District assumes the liability for the costs incurred in accordance with the provisions of Public Officers Law Section 18. The benefits accorded to District employees under Public Officers Law Section 18 will supplement and be available in addition to defense or indemnification protection conferred by other enactment or provisions of law.

The term “employees” includes members of the Board, the Superintendent, District officers, District employees, volunteers expressly authorized to participate in a District-sponsored volunteer program, or any other person holding a position by election, appointment, or employment in the service of the District, whether or not compensated. The term “employee” also includes a former employee, their estate or judicially appointed representative.

The District will provide for the defense of the employee in any civil action or proceeding, state or federal, arising out of any alleged act or omission which occurred or allegedly occurred while the employee was acting within the scope of his or her public employment or duties. Furthermore, the District will indemnify and save harmless its employees in the amount of any judgment obtained against such employees in a state or federal court, or in the amount of any settlement of a claim, provided that the act or omission from which the judgment or claim arose occurred while the employee was acting within the scope of his or her public employment or duties. However, in the case of a settlement, the duty to indemnify and save harmless will be conditioned upon the approval of the amount of the settlement by the Board.

The duty to defend and/or indemnify and save harmless will be conditioned upon the delivery by the employee to the School Attorney or to the Superintendent a written request to provide for his or her defense, together with the original or a copy of any summons, complaint, process, notice, demand, or pleading within ten days after he or she is served with that document. The full cooperation of the employee in the defense of the action or proceeding and in the defense of any action or proceeding against the District based upon the same act or omission, and in the prosecution of any appeal, will also be required as a condition for the District’s duty to defend and/or indemnify and save harmless to exist.

Exceptions to Liability Coverage

Indemnification coverage and/or provision of legal defense by the District will not apply unless the actionable claim is of the type covered by the statute(s) and/or is not otherwise exempt from coverage in accordance with law. Additionally, indemnification coverage and/or the duty to provide a defense will not arise where the action or proceeding is brought by or on behalf of the District.

Paul D. Coverdell Teacher Protection Act of 2001, as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 (ESSA), 20 USC § 6731 et seq.
Education Law §§ 1604(25), 1604(31-b), 1709(26), 1709(34-b), 2560, 3023, 3028, and 3811
General Municipal Law §§ 6-n and 52
Public Officers Law § 18

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6550 Leaves of Absence

In general, leaves of absence will be administered by the Superintendent. The Board reserves the right to grant leaves of absence for purposes or under conditions not contemplated or considered in the policy statement. Where a leave of absence is falsely requested or improperly used, the Board may undertake appropriate disciplinary action. The purpose or conditions of a leave of absence may not be altered except by permission of the Superintendent, as expressed in writing.

Leaves of Absence, Contractual, Et Al.

  • Employees who are members of a negotiating unit:
  • Authorization is granted to approve requests for leaves of absence submitted in accordance with provisions of contracts in effect between the District and each bargaining unit.
  • Employees who are not members of a negotiating unit:
  • Authorization is granted to approve requests for leaves of absence submitted by these employees where the requests are consistent with provisions of contracts in effect between the District and the bargaining unit most compatible with the employment status of the employee.
  • Employees who are under contract to the District:
  • Authorization is granted to implement provisions for leaves of absence contained in each contract.

Leaves of Absence, Unpaid, Not Covered Above

  • Subject to limitations enumerated in this policy statement, authorization is granted for the following unpaid leaves of absence:
    • For a period of time not to exceed one school year for approved graduate study, this leave to include any required internship experience.
    • At the expiration of a paid sick leave of absence, this leave may be extended for a period of time not longer than the end of the school year after the school year in which the paid leave of absence began.
  • Unpaid leaves of absence cannot be used to extend vacation periods, to take vacations, to engage in other occupations, or to provide additional personal leaves, except that the Superintendent will have discretion, where circumstances warrant, to approve leaves of absence for those purposes.
  • Unpaid leaves of absence will not be granted unless the services of a substitute employee, satisfactory in the discretion of the Superintendent, can be secured.
  • Except where it interferes with an employee’s legal or contractual rights, the timing of unpaid leaves of absence will be granted at the convenience of the District

Other Leaves of Absence

Other leaves of absence include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Emergency Service Volunteer Leave

    Upon presentation of a written request from the American Red Cross and with the approval of the Superintendent, employees certified by the American Red Cross as disaster volunteers will be granted leave from work with pay for up to 20 days in any calendar year to participate in specialized disaster relief operations. This leave will be provided without loss of seniority, compensation, sick leave, vacation leave, or other overtime compensation to which the volunteer is otherwise entitled.
  • Screenings for Cancer

    Employees will be granted up to four hours of paid leave on an annual basis to undertake a screening for cancer. This leave will be excused leave and will not be charged against any other leave to which the employee is entitled.
  • Blood Donation

    The District must either, at its option:
    • Grant three hours of unpaid leave of absence in any 12-month period to an employee who seeks to donate blood off-premises. The leave may not exceed three hours unless agreed to by the Superintendent or designee; or
    • Allow its employees without use of accumulated leave time to donate blood during work hours at least two times per year at a convenient time and place set by the Superintendent or designee, including allowing an employee to participate in a blood drive at the District.
      Leave taken by employees at a District-designated donation alternative (such as a District-sponsored blood drive at the workplace) must be paid leave that is provided without requiring the employee to use accumulated vacation, personal, sick, or other leave time.

      The District will not retaliate against an employee for requesting or obtaining a leave of absence under this section. Additional leaves for the purpose of blood donation under any other provision of law will not be prevented.
  • Bone Marrow Donation

    Employees seeking to undergo a medical procedure to donate bone marrow will be granted leaves to do so, the combined length of the leaves to be determined by the physician, but may not exceed 24 work hours unless agreed to by the Superintendent or designee. The District will require verification for the purpose and length of each leave requested by the employee for this purpose.

    The District will not retaliate against an employee for requesting or obtaining a leave of absence under this section. Additional leaves for the purpose of bone marrow donation under any other provision of law will not be prevented.
  • Nursing Mothers (Breastfeeding/Lactation)

    The District will provide reasonable unpaid break time or permit the use of paid break time or meal time each day to allow an employee to express breast milk for her nursing child for up to three years following childbirth. The District will make reasonable efforts to provide a room or other location in close proximity to the work area where the employee can express milk in privacy. The District will not discriminate against an employee who chooses to express breast milk in the workplace.

    Reasonable unpaid break time is generally no less than 20 minutes and no more than 30 minutes dependent upon the proximity of the designated location for expressing breast milk. In most situations, the District is required to provide unpaid break time at least once every three hours if requested by the employee. At the employee’s option, the District will allow the employee to work before or after her normal shift to make up the amount of time used during the unpaid break time(s) so long as the additional time requested falls within the District’s normal work hours.

    The District will provide written notice to employees who are returning to work following the birth of a child of their right to take unpaid leave for the purpose of expressing breast milk. This notice may either be provided individually to affected employees or to all employees generally through publication of the notice in the employee handbook or posting of the notice in a central location.

    Any employee wishing to avail herself of this benefit is required to give the District advance notice, preferably prior to her return to work, to allow the District an opportunity to establish a location and schedule leave time to accommodate employees as needed.
  • Witnesses or Victims of Crimes

    The District will grant an unpaid leave of absence to an employee, who is a victim of or a witness to a criminal offense, that is required or chooses to appear as a witness, consult with the district attorney, or exercise his or her rights as provided in the Criminal Procedure Law, the Family Court Act, and the Executive Law.

    To use this leave, the employee must provide notice of the need for leave at any time prior to the actual day of leave. The District is permitted to ask the party who sought the attendance or testimony of the employee to provide verification of the employee’s service. Employees will not be penalized or discharged for absences by reason of a required appearance as a witness in a criminal proceeding, or consultation with the district attorney, or exercising his or her rights as provided under the law.
  • Victims of Domestic Violence

    Unless the absence would cause an undue hardship to the District, the District will provide reasonable accommodations to employees who are victims of domestic violence who must be absent from work for a reasonable time in accordance with law.

    An employee availing themselves of this leave must provide the District with reasonable advance notice, unless providing this notice is not feasible. An employee unable to provide reasonable advance notice must, within a reasonable time after the absence, provide a certification to the District when requested.

    To the extent allowed by law, the District will maintain the confidentiality of any information related to an employee’s status as a victim of domestic violence.
  • Military Leave

    The District will comply with state and federal laws regarding military leave and re-employment.
  • Jury Duty

    As provided by law, any employee who is summoned to serve as a juror and who notifies the District to that effect prior to his or her term of service will not, on account of absence by reason of jury service, be subject to discharge or penalty. The District will ensure that all absences for this purpose are granted in accordance with law and the terms of any applicable collective bargaining agreement.
  • Voting

    Employees who are registered voters and have four consecutive hours either between the opening of the polls and the beginning of their working shift, or between the end of their working shift and the closing of the polls, will be deemed to have sufficient time to vote and will therefore not be eligible for paid leave to vote in any election.

    Employees who are registered voters, and do not have sufficient time outside of their working hours to vote in any election, may without loss of pay for up to two hours, take so much time off as will, when added to their voting time outside of their working hours, enable them to vote. The employee will be allowed time off for voting only at the beginning or the end of his or her working shift, as the District may designate, unless otherwise mutually agreed.

    Employees requiring working time off to vote must notify the District not more than ten or less than two working days before the day of the election.

    The District must post a notice informing employees of their right to leave in order to vote not less than ten working days before an election and until polls close on election day. This notice will be conspicuously posted in a place where it can be seen by employees as they come and go to their place of work.

29 USC § 207(r)
Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), 38 USC §§ 4301-4333
Civil Service Law §§ 71-73 and 159-b
Education Law §§ 1709(16), 2509(6), 2573(12), 3005, 3005-a and 3005-b
General Municipal Law §§ 92, 92-c, and 92-d
Election Law § 3-110
Executive Law § 296(22)
Judiciary Law §§ 519 and 521
Labor Law §§ 202-a, 202-i, 202-j, 202-l and 206-c
Military Law §§ 242 and 243
Penal Law § 215.14

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6551 Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The District allows eligible employees to take unpaid FMLA leave for up to 12 work weeks in a 12-month period as determined by the District. Employees are eligible if they have been employed by the District for at least 12 months and for at least 1,250 hours of service during the previous 12-month period.

The District uses a fixed leave year based on 7/1 – 6/30 to calculate the FMLA leave. In certain cases, FMLA leave may be taken on an intermittent or reduced schedule basis rather than all at once. The entitlement to leave for the birth or placement of a child expires at the end of the 12-month period beginning on the date of the birth or placement.

Eligible employees may be granted leave for one or more of the following reasons:

  • The birth of a child and care for the child;
  • Adoption of a child and care for the child;
  • The placement of a child with the employee from foster care;
  • To care for a spouse, minor child or parent who has a “serious health condition” as defined by the FMLA;
  • To care for an adult child who is incapable of self-care due to a disability (regardless of date of the onset of disability) and has a serious health condition; or
  • The employee’s serious health condition prevents the employee from performing his or her job.

A serious health condition is defined as an illness, injury, impairment, or physical or mental condition that involves inpatient care or continuing treatment by a healthcare provider that renders the person incapacitated for more than three consecutive calendar days. An employee claiming a serious health condition must first visit a healthcare provider within seven days of the incapacity; the second visit must occur within 30 days of the incapacitating event. An employee claiming the need for continuous treatment under FMLA for a chronic serious health condition must visit a healthcare provider at least twice per year, and the condition must continue over an extended period of time. The condition may cause episodic rather than a continuing period of incapacity.

Military Family Leave Entitlements

Military Caregiver Leave

An eligible employee who is the spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin of a covered servicemember with a serious injury or illness may take up to 26 weeks of leave during a single 12-month period to care for the servicemember.

Qualifying Exigency Leave

An “eligible” employee may take qualifying exigency leave when his or her spouse, son, daughter, or parent who is a member of the Armed Forces, National Guard, or Reserves is on covered active duty or has been notified of an impending call or order to covered active duty.

Concurrent (Substitute) Leave

Employees must use paid leave concurrently with periods of FMLA leave.

Special Provisions for Instructional Employees

An instructional employee’s principal function is to teach and instruct students in a class, a small group, or an individual setting. Teaching assistants and aides who do not have instruction as the principal function of their job are not considered an instructional employee.

Intermittent Leave Taken by Instructional Employees

FMLA leave that is taken at the end of the school year and resumes at the beginning of the next school year is continuous leave. The period during summer vacation is not counted against an employee’s FMLA leave entitlement; the employee will continue to receive any benefits that are customarily given over the summer break.

If an instructional employee requests intermittent leave or leave on a reduced schedule, and will be on that leave for more than 20% of the number of working days during that period, the District may:

  • Require the employee to take leave for a period or periods of a particular duration, not greater than the duration of the planned treatment; or
  • Transfer the employee temporarily to an available alternative position for which the employee is qualified, which has equivalent pay and benefits, and which better accommodates recurring leave periods than the employee’s regular position.
Leave Taken by Instructional Employees Near the End of the Instructional Year

If the instructional employee begins leave more than five weeks before the end of the term, the District may require him or her to continue taking leave until the end of the term if the leave lasts more than three weeks and the employee would return during the three weeks before the end of the term.

If the instructional employee begins leave less than five weeks before the end of the term for any FMLA-related reasons except qualifying exigency, the District may require that the employee remain out for the rest of the term if the leave lasts more than two weeks and the employee would return to work during that two-week period at the end of the instructional term.

If the instructional employee begins taking leave during the three weeks before the end of the term for any FMLA-related reason except qualifying exigency, the District may require that the employee continue leave until the end of the term if the leave will last more than five working days.

Any additional time that is required by the District will not be charged against the employee as FMLA leave.

Benefits and Restoration

An employee is entitled to have group health insurance and benefits maintained while on leave. If an employee was paying all or part of the premium payments before leave, the employee will continue to pay his or her share during the leave period.

In most instances, an employee has a right to return to the same or an equivalent position following a leave. The Superintendent or designee may reassign an employee in accordance with any applicable collective bargaining agreement to a different grade level, building, or assignment consistent with the employee’s certification and tenure area.

Employee Notice and Medical Certification

When leave is foreseeable, the employee must give at least 30 days’ advance notice of when and how much leave he or she needs. When leave is not foreseeable, the employee must provide notice as soon as practicable.

The District may require an employee to submit certification from a healthcare provider to substantiate a leave request. If the certification is incomplete or insufficient, the District will identify in writing what information the employee must provide to correct the deficiency within seven days. If the employee fails to timely provide the requested information, the District may deny his or her FMLA leave request.

The District may also request a second opinion regarding the employee’s medical status from a healthcare provider of its choice at its expense, and a third opinion from a provider agreed upon by the District and the employee, to be paid for by the District.

FMLA Notice

The District will display a general notice to employees about FMLA leave rights, that will include how to file a complaint, in each school building. The District will also provide a written general notice about the FMLA in the employee handbook to each new employee upon hire. The District has five days to supply this notice from the date of hire.

Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (as amended), Public Law 103-3
National Defense Authorization Act of 2008, Public Law 110-181
10 USC § 101(a) (13)
29 USC §§ 1630.1 and 2611-2654
29 CFR Part 825 and Part 1630
42 USC § 12102
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), Public Law 104-191
45 CFR Parts 160 and 164

Note: Refer also to Policy:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6552 Military Leaves of Absence

In accordance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA) and state law, the District, upon advance notice by the employee, will grant leaves of absence for service in the uniformed services and/or military duty (“military service” or “military duty”) to its employees who are ordered to duty or volunteer for qualifying military service. The employee’s notice may be either verbal or written. No advance notice is required if military necessity prevents the giving of notice, or the giving of notice is otherwise impossible or unreasonable under the circumstances.

Employment Rights

Time during which an employee is absent due to military leave will not constitute an interruption of continuous employment in the District and this employee will not be subjected, directly or indirectly, to any loss or diminution of time, service, increment, vacation or holiday privileges, or any other right or privilege, by reason of the absence; nor will any employee be prejudiced by reason of the absence with reference to continuance in employment, reemployment, reinstatement, transfer, or promotion.


Every employee will be paid his or her salary or other compensation for any and all periods of absence while engaged in the performance of ordered military duty, and while going to and returning from military duty. This payment of salary or compensation will not exceed a total of 30 days or 22 working days, whichever is greater, in any one calendar year; and will not exceed 30 days or 22 working days, whichever is greater, in any one continuous period of absence.

The employee must be permitted, upon request, to use any accrued vacation, annual, or similar leave with pay during the period of military service in order to continue his or her civilian pay. The District may not require the employee to use accrued leave.

The employee is not entitled to use accrued sick leave during the period of military service, unless the District allows employees to use sick leave for any reason or allows other similarly situated employees on comparable furlough or leave of absence to use accrued paid sick leave.

Employee Benefits

Health Plan Coverage

If the employee has coverage under a health plan in connection with his or her employment with the District, the employee must be permitted to elect to continue the coverage for a certain period of time as designated in law.

When the employee is performing military service, he or she is entitled to continuing coverage for himself or herself (and dependents if the plan offers dependent coverage) under a health plan in connection with the employment. The plan must allow the employee an opportunity to continue coverage for a period of time that is the lesser of:

  • The 24-month period beginning on the date on which the employee’s absence for the purpose of performing military service begins; or
  • The period beginning on the date on which the employee’s absence for the purpose of performing military service begins, and ending on the date on which the employee fails to return from service or apply for a position of reemployment.

Health plan administrators may develop reasonable requirements addressing how continuing coverage may be elected, consistent with the terms of the plan and USERRA’s exceptions to the requirement that the employee give advance notice of military service. Further, health plan administrators may develop reasonable procedures for employee payment to continue coverage, consistent with USERRA and the terms of the plan.

Pension/Retirement Plans

While on military duty, any District employee who is a member of any pension or retirement system may elect to contribute to that pension or retirement system the amount which he or she would have contributed had that employment been continuous. Upon making the contribution, the employee will have the same rights in respect to membership in the retirement system as he or she would have had if the employee had been present and continuously engaged in the performance of his or her position. To the extent that these contributions are paid, absence while engaged in the performance of military duty will be counted in determining the length of total service under the pension or retirement system.

Alternatively, employees will have an opportunity to make up contributions to the pension or retirement system upon return to employment in the District in accordance with law and the individual employee’s pension/retirement system.

The payment of member contributions required under law to obtain military service credit is waived for members called to active military duty on or after September 11, 2001 and prior to January 1, 2006.

Time during which an employee is absent on military duty will not constitute an interruption of continuous employment, but this time will not be counted or included in determining the length of total service in the pension or retirement system unless the employee contributes to the pension or retirement system the amount he or she would have been required to contribute if the employee had been continuously employed during the period of military duty.

Leaves of Absence for Military Spouses

The spouse of a member of the armed forces of the United States, National Guard, or reserves who has been deployed during a period of military conflict (defined as a period of war declared by the United States Congress, or in which a member of a reserve component of the armed forces is ordered to active duty in accordance with the United States Code), to a combat theater or combat zone of operations will be allowed up to ten days unpaid leave by their employer. This leave will only be used when the person’s spouse is on leave from the armed forces of the United States, National Guard, or reserves while deployed during a period of military conflict to a combat theater or combat zone of operations.

In accordance with law, an “employee” means a person who performs services for hire for the District for an average of 20 or more hours per week, and includes all individuals employed at any District site having 20 or more District employees, but does not include independent contractors.

The District will not retaliate against an employee for requesting or obtaining a leave of absence as provided above. The provisions of this section will not affect or prevent the District from providing leave for military spouses in addition to leave allowed under any other provision of law. The provisions of this section will not affect an employee’s rights with respect to any other employee benefit provided by law.

Reemployment/Restoration Rights (“Escalator Principle”)

As a general rule, an employee is entitled to reemployment in the job position that he or she would have attained with reasonable certainty if not for the absence due to military service. The position to which the returning service member should be restored has become known as the “escalator principle.”

Depending on the circumstances or intervening events, the escalator principle may cause an employee to be reemployed in a higher or lower position, transferred, laid off, or even terminated.

The employee must be qualified for the reemployment position. The District will make reasonable efforts to help the employee become qualified to perform the duties of this position. The District is not required to reemploy the employee on his or her return from military service if the employee cannot, after reasonable efforts by the District, qualify for the appropriate reemployment position.

Per state law, an employee restored to his or her position after the termination of military duty will be entitled to the rate of compensation he or she would have received had the employee remained in his or her position continuously during the period of military duty; and the employee will be deemed to have rendered satisfactory and efficient service in the job position during the period of military leave of absence. Further, the employee will not be subjected directly or indirectly to any loss of time service, increment, or any other right or privilege; nor will an employee be prejudiced in any way with reference to promotion, transfer, reinstatement, or continuance in employment.

All other rights, benefits, and responsibilities of a District employee serving in the military will be in accordance with law, regulations, and/or the applicable contract or collective bargaining agreement.

Probationary Service

Public Employees in General

If a public employee (with the exception of the probationary service of “teachers” as described below) enters military duty before the expiration of the probationary period in any position to which he or she may have been appointed, or to which he or she may thereafter be appointed or promoted, the time the employee is absent on military duty will be credited as satisfactory service during this probationary period.

Teachers/Supervisory Staff

In any case where a teacher (defined as encompassing a broad category of full-time members of the teaching and supervisory staff of the District, and is not limited to instructional employees) enters military duty before the expiration of the probationary period to which he or she may have been appointed, the time the teacher is absent on military duty will be credited as satisfactory service during this probationary period. If the end of this probationary service occurs while the teacher is on military duty or within one year following the termination of military duty, the period of the probationary service may be extended by the Board for a period not to exceed one year from the date of termination of military duty. However, in no event will the period of probationary service in the actual performance of teaching services extend beyond that required by the District at the time of the teacher’s entry into military service.

Collective Bargaining Agreements/Contracts/Plans/Practices

In accordance with USERRA, any state or local law, contract, agreement, policy, plan, or practice that establishes an employment right or benefit that is more beneficial than, or is in addition to, a right or benefit under USERRA, the greater employment right or benefit will supersede USERRA.

Notice of Rights and Duties

The District will provide a notice of the rights, benefits, and obligations of employees and the District under USERRA. The District may provide the notice by posting it where employee notices are customarily placed. The District may also provide the notice to its employees in other ways that will minimize costs while ensuring that the full text of the notice is provided (e.g., by handing or mailing out the notice, or distributing the notice via email).

The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (USERRA), Public Law 108-454
38 USC §§ 4301-4333
20 CFR Part 1002
Education Law § 3101 Military Law §§ 242 and 243

Note: Refer also to Policies:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6560 Determination of Employment Status: Employee or Independent Contractor

A certification of the determination that an individual is an employee is required when the District initially reports to the New York State and Local Retirement System (NYSLRS) certain covered professionals – those persons providing services as an attorney, physician, engineer, architect, accountant, or auditor.

Employee means an individual performing services for the District for which the District has the right to control the means and methods of what work will be done and how the work will be done. Independent contractor means a consultant or other individual engaged to achieve a certain result for the District but who is not subject to the direction of the employer as to the means and methods of accomplishing the result. The District will not enter into agreements with independent contractors for instructional services except under the limited circumstance permitted by the New York State Education Department.

Employees to be Reported to NYSLRS

Only persons who are active members of NYSLRS and who have been assigned a registration number will be included in the reporting requirements. In the case of employees who are in the process of being registered to membership, all service, salary and deductions data, and mandatory contributions will be accumulated by the District and the accumulation will be included with the first monthly report which is due after the employee’s registration number has been assigned.

An individual serving the District as an independent contractor or consultant is not an employee and should not be reported to the retirement system.

The District has the primary responsibility for determining whether an individual is rendering services as an employee or as an independent contractor. When making this determination, the District must consider the factors set forth in State Regulations.

The District will also complete, as necessary, a Certification Form for Individuals Engaged in Certain Professions (Form RS2414) as promulgated by the Office of the New York State Comptroller. When making a determination as to an individual’s status as an employee or independent contractor, no single factor will be considered to be conclusive of the issue. All factors will be considered in making an assessment of an individual’s status when engaged to perform services.

Written Explanation by District: Certain Professions

In the case of an individual whose service has been engaged by the District in the capacity of attorney, physician, engineer, architect, accountant, or auditor and the District has determined that the individual is rendering service as an employee and, therefore, may be eligible for credit with a retirement system, the District will submit to the retirement system, in a form prescribed by the Comptroller and certified by the Chief Fiscal Officer of the District, an explanation of the factors that led to the conclusion that the individual is an employee and not an independent contractor or consultant.

Legal Services

Charging for Legal Services

An attorney will not simultaneously be an independent contractor and an employee of the District for the purpose of providing legal services to the District.

An attorney who is not an employee of the District will not seek to be or be considered, treated or otherwise reported by the District as an employee thereof for purposes of compensation, remuneration, health insurance, pension, and all associated employment-related benefits and emoluments.

Reports Regarding Attorneys

The District will, on or before the 45th day after the commencement of its fiscal year, file with the State Education Department, the State Comptroller, and the Attorney General a report specifying:

  • All attorneys who provide legal services to the District or Board;
  • Whether the District or Board hired those attorneys as employees; and
  • All remuneration and compensation paid for legal services. Protection Against Fraud

Any person who knowingly makes any false statement, or falsifies or permits to be falsified any record or records of the retirement system in any attempt to defraud the system, or who receives certain benefits or payments in excess of statutory limits, as a result of those acts, will be guilty of criminal conduct, and will be punished under the laws of New York State.

Education Law §§ 525, 2050-2054
Retirement and Social Security Law §§ 11, 34, 311, and 334
2 NYCRR §§ 315.2 and 315.3

Note: Refer also to Policy:

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6562 Employment Of Retired Persons

A retired person may be employed and earn compensation in a position in the District, without any effect on his or her status as retired and without suspension or diminution of his or her retirement allowance subject to the conditions enumerated in Retirement and Social Security Law Section 211(1). However, there will be no earning limitations on or after the calendar year in which a retired person attains age 65.

No retired person may be employed in the District except upon approval of the Civil Service Commission or the Commissioner of Education unless otherwise authorized in accordance with law.

Two sections of the Retirement and Social Security Law (Sections 211 and 212) affect a retiree’s return to public employment in New York State. If a retiree returns to public employment, he or she may still be able to collect his or her pension depending upon:

  • How much is earned after returning to work; and
  • The retiree’s age.

If a retiree is under age 65, he or she can return to public employment without approval or reduction in retirement benefits as long as his or her calendar year earnings do not exceed the Section 212 limit. If a retiree’s earnings will be more than the Section 212 limit, the employer must request and receive prior approval from the appropriate agency to hire the retiree under Section 211.

Section 211 waivers are provided for “unclassified service” positions. Retired police officers employed by a school district as a School Resource Officer (SRO) fall under the “classified service” but may have the earnings limitation waived at the discretion of the Commissioner of Education, as long as all of the requirements for waivers in the unclassified service are fulfilled.

There is generally no restriction on a retiree’s earnings beginning in the calendar year he or she turns 65, unless returning to public office.

Section 211 Approval Process

Approval for post-retirement employment of a person under the age of 65 or a retired police officer employed as a SRO whose calendar year earnings exceed the Section 212 limit may be granted only on the written request of the District giving detailed reasons related to the standards set forth in Section 211; and on a finding of satisfactory evidence by the Civil Service Commission or the Commissioner of Education that the retired person is duly qualified, competent, and physically fit for the performance of the duties of the position in which he or she is to be employed and is properly certified where certification is required.

The District will prepare a detailed recruitment plan to fill the vacancy on a permanent basis when the need arises and will undertake extensive recruitment efforts to fill the vacancy prior to making a determination that there are no available non-retired persons qualified to perform the duties of that position.

Approvals to hire retired individuals may be granted for periods not exceeding two years each, provided that a person may not return to work in the same or similar position for a period of one year following retirement. However, in accordance with Section 212, a retiree may return to work in the same or similar position within the same year following retirement if his or her earnings are under the Section 212 limit or if he or she receives a Section 212 waiver, or other conditions exist set forth in law.

Reporting Requirements and Disclosure

  • The District will report all money earned by a retired person in its employ in excess of the earnings limitation outlined in Section 212 to the retirement system administered by the state or any of its political subdivisions from which the retired person is collecting his or her retirement allowance.
  • The District, when employing a retired person who is eligible to collect or is already collecting a retirement allowance from a retirement system administered by the state or any of its political subdivisions, will report on an annual basis to the retirement system paying the retirement allowance and to the State Comptroller. This report will consist of the re-employed retiree’s name, date of birth, place of employment, current position, and all earnings.

Public Record

Any request for approval of the employment of a retired person, including the reasons stated, and the findings and determination of the request will be a public record open for inspection in the Office of the Civil Service Commission, the Commissioner of Education, or the Board making the findings and determination as specified in Section 211.

Education Law §§ 525 and 3101
Retirement and Social Security Law §§ 111, 211, 212, 217, and 411
8 NYCRR § 80-5.5(b)

Adopted: 6/13/22

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6570 Remote Working

Generally, the District believes that its goals and objectives are best served when employees work in-person on District premises. However, the District recognizes that, in certain circumstances, remote working or telecommuting may be advantageous to both the employee and the District. It may also be necessary in the event of an extraordinary circumstance such as widespread illness, natural disaster, or other emergency situation.

When making decisions about remote working, the District will take into consideration any applicable laws, regulations, collective bargaining agreements, or existing policies and procedures. This policy will be superseded by any conflicting law, regulation, or collective bargaining agreement.

Remote Working Arrangements

Remote working is not an entitlement or a District-wide benefit. The ability to work remotely is completely at the discretion of the District. Except where specifically provided by an applicable collective bargaining agreement, employees will not be permitted to file a grievance as a result of a denial of their request to work remotely.

Upon request, an employee’s supervisor, in conjunction with the Superintendent or designee, may grant an employee a full-time, part-time, or short-term remote work arrangement provided that the employee’s work is able to be performed remotely and the employee has consistently demonstrated the ability to effectively work independently.

Extraordinary Circumstances

In the event of an extraordinary circumstance such as widespread illness, natural disaster, or other emergency situation, it may be necessary to establish remote working arrangements for some or all employees. In these circumstances, the District will notify employees of whether they are expected to work at home full-time, part-time, or not at all. The District retains the right to change the remote working arrangement for any employee at any time.

Continuity of Work

Unless specifically agreed upon, working remotely will not alter an employee’s work schedule, job duties, compensation, benefits, or any other term and condition of employment. Further, while working remotely, employees will be required to remain available during their normal workhours via email, phone, or other means. Failure to respond in a reasonable time frame may result in discipline and/or termination of the remote work arrangement.

Compliance with District Policies and Procedures

District employees who are working remotely are required to comply with any and all applicable District policies, procedures, and other related documents as they normally would if they were working on District premises. Examples include, but are not limited to, the District’s policies and procedures on non-discrimination and anti-harassment, protecting the personal information of District employees and students, acceptable use, and copyright. Engaging in prohibited conduct may result in disciplinary action as warranted.

Adopted: 6/13/22

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